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Siarad, robert6: 'well'

8EIRohCE wellCE thereE weE goE thenE .
  IM well there we go then
  oh.IM well.ADV there.ADV we.PRON.SUB.1P go.V.1P.PRES then.ADV
  oh well, there we go then
24MORachos umCE # wellCE xx xx +// .
  because IM well
  because.CONJ um.IM well.ADV unk
  because, um, well [...] ...
71MORwellCE ni (y)n ofnadwy .
  well PRON.1PL PRT awful
  well.ADV we.PRON.1P PRT terrible.ADJ
  well we're awful
93MORwellCE <mae &hɛ> [//] mae DawnCE yn hoyw .
  well be.3S.PRES be.3S.PRES Dawn PRT gay
  well.ADV be.V.3S.PRES be.V.3S.PRES name PRT gay.ADJ
  well Dawn is gay
137MORumCE wellCE oedd e (y)n gweithio ar Strictly_Come_DancingCE # yn B_B_CCE .
  IM well be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT work.NONFIN on Strictly_Come_Dancing in B_B_C
  um.IM well.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT work.V.INFIN on.PREP name in.PREP name
  um well, he was working on Strictly Come Dancing at the BBC
147MORyeahCE well &v # dyna (y)r sortCE ofE jobsCE mae (y)n wneud ti gwybod .
  yeah well there DET sort of jobs be.3S.PRES PRT do.NONFIN PRON.2S know.NONFIN
  yeah.ADV better.ADJ.COMP+SM that_is.ADV the.DET.DEF sort.N.SG of.PREP job.N.SG+PL be.V.3S.PRES PRT make.V.INFIN+SM you.PRON.2S know.V.INFIN
  yeah well, those are the sort of jobs he does, you know
173EIRohCE wellCE ti (y)n gallu wneud yr un peth iddo fe &=laugh .
  IM well PRON.2S PRT can.NONFIN do.NONFIN DET one thing to.3SM PRON.3SM
  oh.IM well.ADV you.PRON.2S PRT be_able.V.INFIN make.V.INFIN+SM the.DET.DEF one.NUM thing.N.M.SG to_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S he.PRON.M.3S
  oh well you can do the same thing to him
213EIRohCE wellCE xx +/ .
  IM well
  oh.IM well.ADV
  oh well [...]
231MORwellCE yeahCE o fi (we)di wneud e dwywaith yn barod .
  well yeah be.1S.IMP PRON.1S PRT.PAST do.NONFIN PRON.3SM twice PRT ready
  well.ADV yeah.ADV of.PREP I.PRON.1S+SM after.PREP make.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S twice.ADV PRT ready.ADJ+SM
  well yeah, I'd done it twice already
257MORwellCE fi wastad yn hapus yn Llundain .
  well PRON.1S always PRT happy in London
  well.ADV I.PRON.1S+SM flat.ADJ+SM PRT happy.ADJ PRT.[or].in.PREP London.N.F.SG.PLACE
  well I'm always happy in London
267MORwellCE mae justCE yn slave_driversE .
  well be.3PL.PRES just PRT slave_drivers
  well.ADV be.V.3S.PRES just.ADV PRT.[or].in.PREP unk
  well, they're just slave-drivers
274MORwellCE # mae [//] dyna (y)r peth ti [?] (y)n gweld .
  well be.3S.PRES there DET thing PRON.2S PRT see.NONFIN
  well.ADV be.V.3S.PRES that_is.ADV the.DET.DEF thing.N.M.SG you.PRON.2S PRT see.V.INFIN
  well, that's the thing, you see
287EIRwellCE # mae (y)n brofiad thoughE yn_dyw e .
  well be.3S.PRES PRT experience though be.3S.PRES.NEG PRON.3SM
  well.ADV be.V.3S.PRES PRT experience.N.M.SG+SM though.CONJ unk he.PRON.M.3S
  well it's an experience though, isn't it
293MORwellCE gallai fi yeahCE .
  well can.1S.CONDIT PRON.1S yeah
  well.ADV be_able.V.3S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S+SM yeah.ADV
  well, I could yeah
299EIR&=laugh wellCE mae raid i ti gyfadde weithiau &=laugh ti (y)n haeddu fe &=laugh .
  well be.3S.PRES necessity to PRON.2S admit.NONFIN sometimes PRON.2S PRT deserve.NONFIN PRON.3SM
  well.ADV be.V.3S.PRES necessity.N.M.SG+SM to.PREP you.PRON.2S unk times.N.F.PL+SM you.PRON.2S PRT deserve.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S
  well you have to admit, sometimes [laughs] you deserve it
306MORwell fi (ddi)m yn gw(ybod) +// .
  well PRON.1S NEG PRT know.NONFIN
  well I don't know...
307MORwell fi isie +// .
  well PRON.1S want
  better.ADJ.COMP+SM I.PRON.1S+SM want.N.M.SG
  well I want...
335MORwell &mə [//] bydd e (y)n hawdd rea(lly)E +// .
  well be.3S.FUT PRON.3SM PRT easy really
  better.ADJ.COMP+SM be.V.3S.FUT he.PRON.M.3S PRT easy.ADJ real.ADJ+ADV
  well it'll be easy really
342MORwellCE # fi (y)n nabod loadsE a loadsE o wahanol recruitmentE agenciesE .
  well PRON.1S PRT know.NONFIN loads and loads of different recruitment agencies
  well.ADV I.PRON.1S+SM PRT know_someone.V.INFIN load.N.PL.[or].loads.N.PL and.CONJ load.N.PL.[or].loads.N.PL he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP different.ADJ+SM recruitment.N.SG agency.N.PL.[or].agencies.N.PL
  well I know loads and loads of different recruitment agencies
381EIRmae lotCE well (gy)da fi clywed amdano ti &=laugh .
  be.3S.PRES lot better with PRON.2S hear.NONFIN about.2S PRON.2S
  be.V.3S.PRES lot.N.SG better.ADJ.COMP+SM with.PREP I.PRON.1S+SM hear.V.INFIN for_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S you.PRON.2S
  I'd much rather hear about you
402MORwellCE fi isie ## mynd i Efrog_Newydd # yn mis # Ebrill .
  well PRON.1S want go.NONFIN to New_York in month April
  well.ADV I.PRON.1S+SM want.N.M.SG go.V.INFIN to.PREP name PRT.[or].in.PREP month.N.M.SG April.N.M.SG
  well I want to go to New York in April
412MORyeahCE well gobeithio erbyn (hyn)ny bydda i mewn <swydd arall> [=! laughs] &=laugh .
  yeah well hope.NONFIN by that be.1S.FUT PRON.1S in job other
  yeah.ADV better.ADJ.COMP+SM hope.V.INFIN by.PREP that.PRON.DEM.SP be.V.1S.FUT I.PRON.1S in.PREP job.N.F.SG other.ADJ
  yeah well, hopefully by then I'll be in a different job
414EIRwellCE dyw e ddim mor hawdd gael timeE offCE os ti mewn swydd arall ody e ?
  well be.3S.PRES.NEG PRON.3SM NEG so easy get.NONFIN time off if PRON.2S in job other be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM
  well.ADV be.V.3S.PRES.NEG he.PRON.M.3S not.ADV+SM so.ADV easy.ADJ get.V.INFIN+SM time.N.SG off.PREP if.CONJ you.PRON.2S in.PREP job.N.F.SG other.ADJ unk he.PRON.M.3S
  well it's not as easy to get time off if you're in another job, is it?
420MORyeahCE # wellCE dyna be wnaeth JoCE yfe .
  yeah well there what do.3S.PAST Jo PRT.INT
  yeah.ADV well.ADV that_is.ADV what.INT do.V.3S.PAST+SM name isn't_it.IM.TAG
  yeah well that's what Jo did, isn't it
422EIRwellCE oedd hi wedi .
  well be.3S.IMP PRON.3SF PRT.PAST
  well.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S after.PREP
  well, she had
434EIRohCE wellCE mae raid ti aros os ti (y)n caru fe .
  IM well be.3S.PRES necessity PRON.2S stay.NONFIN if PRON.2S PRT love.NONFIN PRON.3SM
  oh.IM well.ADV be.V.3S.PRES necessity.N.M.SG+SM you.PRON.2S wait.V.INFIN if.CONJ you.PRON.2S PRT love.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S
  oh well, you have to stay if you love it
445EIRwellCE na [?] ti (y)n nabod lotCE o bobl .
  well no PRON.2S PRT know.NONFIN lot of people
  well.ADV no.ADV you.PRON.2S PRT know_someone.V.INFIN lot.N.SG of.PREP people.N.F.SG+SM
  well no, you know a lot of people
468MORohCE wellCE [?] un te .
  IM well one then
  oh.IM well.ADV one.NUM be.IM
  oh well, one then
511EIRa ffindon ni eitha [//] wellCE &t dau neu dri reallyE niceCE .
  and find.1PL.PAST PRON.1PL quite well two.M or three.M really nice
  and.CONJ unk we.PRON.1P fairly.ADV well.ADV two.NUM.M or.CONJ three.NUM.M+SM real.ADJ+ADV nice.ADJ
  and we found quite...well two or three really nice ones
564EIRwell i ti bwco diwrnod offCE .
  better to PRON.2S book.NONFIN day off
  better.ADJ.COMP+SM to.PREP you.PRON.2S unk day.N.M.SG off.PREP
  you'd better book a day off
675EIRwellCE mewn ffordd ti (y)n gwybod .
  well in way PRON.2S PRT know.NONFIN
  well.ADV in.PREP way.N.F.SG you.PRON.2S PRT know.V.INFIN
  well, in a way, you know
678MORwellCE bysai fi (ddi)m eisiau bod i_ffwrdd o chi .
  well be.1S.CONDIT PRON.1S NEG want be.NONFIN away from PRON.2PL
  well.ADV finger.V.3S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S+SM not.ADV+SM want.N.M.SG be.V.INFIN out.ADV of.PREP you.PRON.2P
  well I wouldn't want to be away from you
679EIRna # wellCE <(dy)na (y)r peth> [?] .
  no well there DET thing
  no.ADV well.ADV that_is.ADV the.DET.DEF thing.N.M.SG
  no well, that's the thing
697EIRwellCE mae (y)n debyg &də umCE # mae hi a CliffCE yn mynd i briodi yn mis Mai +/ .
  well be.3S.PRES PRT apparent IM be.3S.PRES PRON.3SF and Cliff PRT go.NONFIN to marry.NONFIN in month May
  well.ADV be.V.3S.PRES PRT similar.ADJ+SM um.IM be.V.3S.PRES she.PRON.F.3S and.CONJ name PRT go.V.INFIN to.PREP marry.V.INFIN+SM PRT.[or].in.PREP month.N.M.SG May.N.M.SG
  well apparently her and Cliff are going to get married in May
715EIRwellCE mae hi a CliffCE yn mynd ar eu mis mêl soCE [//] a dod nôl dau ddiwrnod cyn y briodas .
  well be.3S.PRES PRON.3SF and Cliff PRT go.NONFIN on POSS.3PL month honey so and come.NONFIN back two.M day before DET wedding
  well.ADV be.V.3S.PRES she.PRON.F.3S and.CONJ name PRT go.V.INFIN on.PREP their.ADJ.POSS.3P month.N.M.SG honey.N.M.SG so.ADV and.CONJ come.V.INFIN fetch.V.INFIN two.NUM.M day.N.M.SG+SM before.PREP the.DET.DEF marriage.N.F.SG+SM
  well she and Cliff are going on their honeymoon, and coming back two days before the wedding
763MORa # wellCE pryd oedd MikeCE a WalterCE yn ifanc # <oedd umCE> [//] # oedd rywun yn &tr youE knowE # beat_oE+C nhw lan neu rywbeth oedd umCE # nhw (y)n dweud +"/ .
  and well when be.3S.IMP Mike and Walter PRT young be.3S.IMP IM be.3S.IMP somebody PRT you know beat.NONFIN PRON.3PL up or something be.3PL.IMP IM PRON.3PL PRT say
  and.CONJ well.ADV when.INT be.V.3S.IMPERF name and.CONJ name PRT young.ADJ be.V.3S.IMPERF um.IM be.V.3S.IMPERF someone.N.M.SG+SM PRT.[or].in.PREP you.PRON.SUB.2SP know.V.2SP.PRES beat.SV.INFIN.[or].peat.N.SG+SM they.PRON.3P shore.N.F.SG+SM or.CONJ something.N.M.SG+SM be.V.3S.IMPERF um.IM they.PRON.3P PRT say.V.INFIN
  and when Mike and Walter were young, somebody would, you know, beat them up or something, they'd say
805MORwellCE # falle mwy pedwar pump # tri mis xx .
  well perhaps more four.M five three.M month
  well.ADV maybe.ADV more.ADJ.COMP four.NUM.M five.NUM three.NUM.M month.N.M.SG
  well perhaps more, four, five, three months [...]
833MORwellCE <oedd hi> [/] oedd hi (y)n swnio fel oedd hi (y)n # properlyE # fel manipulate_oE+C # pawb .
  well be.3S.IMP PRON.3SF be.3S.IMP PRON.3SF PRT sound.NONFIN like be.3S.IMP PRON.3SF PRT properly like manipulate.NONFIN everybody
  well.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S PRT sound.V.INFIN like.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S PRT proper.ADJ+ADV like.CONJ manipulate.SV.INFIN everyone.PRON
  well she sounded like she properly, like, manipulated everybody
849MORwellCE <oedd e> [//] oedd hi (we)di redeg offCE efo # rywun arall +/ .
  well be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM be.3S.IMP PRON.3SF PRT.PAST run.NONFIN off with somebody other
  well.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S after.PREP run.V.INFIN+SM off.PREP with.PREP someone.N.M.SG+SM other.ADJ
  well she ran away with somebody else
930MORwellCE na .
  well no
  well.ADV no.ADV
  well no
931MORwellCE o fi (we)di dweu(d) [//] gofyn e i e unwaith .
  well be.1S.IMP PRON.1S PRT.PAST say.NONFIN ask.NONFIN PRON.3SM to PRON.3SM once
  well.ADV of.PREP I.PRON.1S+SM after.PREP say.V.INFIN ask.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S to.PREP he.PRON.M.3S once.ADV
  well I asked him that once