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Siarad, fusser3: 'na'

52BECna &=laugh .
74ALYna oedd ddim gwerth (y)na nag oedd # o gymharu â (y)r nosweithiau eraill de [?] .
  no be.3S.IMP NEG worth there NEG be.3S.IMP of compare.NONFIN with DET nights other TAG
  no.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF not.ADV+SM value.N.M.SG.[or].sell.V.3S.PRES there.ADV than.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF of.PREP compare.V.INFIN+SM with.PREP the.DET.DEF evenings.N.F.PL others.PRON be.IM+SM
  no, there was hardly nobody there, compared with the other nights, you know
84BEC+< ohCE na yeahCE ?
  IM no yeah?
  oh.IM no.ADV yeah.ADV
  oh no, yes?
110ALYohCE na oedd hi fel y boyCE # yn iawn .
  IM no be.3S.IMP PRON.3SF like DET boy PRT right
  oh.IM no.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S like.CONJ the.DET.DEF boy.N.SG PRT OK.ADV
  oh no, she was doing great, fine
114ALYerCE na erCE +/ .
  IM no IM
  er.IM no.ADV.[or].PRT.NEG.[or].who_not.PRON.REL.NEG.[or].(n)or.CONJ.[or].than.CONJ er.IM
  er no, er
116ALYdim quiteCE na oedd umCE # merched colur a gwisgoedd timod xxx .
  NEG quite no be.3S.IMP IM girls make_up and costumes know.2S
  nothing.N.M.SG.[or].not.ADV quite.ADV PRT.NEG be.V.3S.IMPERF um.IM girl.N.F.PL unk and.CONJ dresses.N.F.PL know.V.2S.PRES
  not quite, no the girls from make-up and costumes, you know [...]
121BECohCE na .
  IM no
  oh.IM no.ADV
  oh no
129BECyeahCE na .
  yeah no
  yeah.ADV no.ADV
  yeah, no
165BECohCE na yeahCE ?
  IM no yeah
  oh.IM no.ADV yeah.ADV
  oh no, yeah?
169ALYna ond rei bach o'n nhw de timod .
  no but some little be.3PL.IMP PRON.3PL TAG know.2S
  no.ADV but.CONJ some.PRON+SM small.ADJ be.V.1S.IMPERF they.PRON.3P be.IM+SM know.V.2S.PRES
  no but they were small ones, you know
181ALYond na # oedd FaenolCE yn goodE .
  but no be.3S.IMP Faenol PRT good
  but.CONJ PRT.NEG be.V.3S.IMPERF name PRT good.ADJ
  but no, the Faenol was good
198ALY+< nage na xx .
  no no
  no.ADV no.ADV
  no no [...]
233ALYna o'n nhw goodE .
  no be.3PL.IMP PRON.3PL good
  no.ADV be.V.1S.IMPERF they.PRON.3P good.ADJ
  no, they were good
246BEC+< na mae sureCE yeahCE .
  no be.3S.PRES sure yeah
  no.ADV be.V.3S.PRES sure.ADJ yeah.ADV
  no I'm sure, yeah
299BECna oedd hi (ddi)m (y)n meddwl (ba)swn i (y)n gynnar de .
  no.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S not.ADV+SM PRT think.V.INFIN be.V.1S.PLUPERF I.PRON.1S PRT early.ADJ+SM be.IM+SM
  no she didn't think I'd be early, you know
336ALYna be ti moyn ?
  no what PRON.2S want
  no.ADV what.INT you.PRON.2S want.N.M.SG
  no, what do you want?
349BECna mae iawn .
  no be.3S.PRES right
  no.ADV be.V.3S.PRES OK.ADV
  no that's fine
371ALY+< na na na na na .
  no no no no no
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  no no no no no
371ALY+< na na na na na .
  no no no no no
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  no no no no no
371ALY+< na na na na na .
  no no no no no
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  no no no no no
371ALY+< na na na na na .
  no no no no no
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  no no no no no
371ALY+< na na na na na .
  no no no no no
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  no no no no no
398BECohCE na .
  IM no
  oh.IM no.ADV
  oh no
408BECyeahCE soCE wnân nhw (ddi)m para mis i fi na wnân .
  yeah so do.3PL.NONPAST PRON.3PL NEG last.NONFIN month to PRON.1S NEG do.3PL.NONPAST
  yeah.ADV so.ADV do.V.3P.PRES+SM they.PRON.3P not.ADV+SM last.V.INFIN month.N.M.SG to.PREP I.PRON.1S+SM PRT.NEG do.V.3P.PRES+SM
  yeah so they won't last me a month, will they
410BECohCE na ond dw i (y)n sureCE bod chdi (y)n defnyddio llai fel mae (y)r mis yn mynd (y)mlaen dwyt .
  IM no but be.1S.PRES PRON.1S PRT sure be.NONFIN PRON.2S PRT use.NONFIN less like be.3S.PRES DET month PRT go.NONFIN on be.2S.PRES.NEG
  oh.IM no.ADV but.CONJ be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S PRT sure.ADJ be.V.INFIN you.PRON.2S PRT use.V.INFIN smaller.ADJ.COMP like.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF month.N.M.SG PRT go.V.INFIN forward.ADV be.V.2S.PRES.NEG
  oh no, but I'm sure you use less as the month goes on, don't you
422BECtimod mae nhw (y)n fwy [//] di(py)n bach fwy # advancedE na hynna erbyn hyn .
  know.2S be.3PL.PRES PRON.3PL PRT more a_little small more advanced than that by this
  know.V.2S.PRES be.V.3S.PRES they.PRON.3P PRT more.ADJ.COMP+SM little_bit.N.M.SG+SM small.ADJ more.ADJ.COMP+SM advance.SV.INFIN+AV than.CONJ that.PRON.DEM.SP by.PREP this.PRON.DEM.SP
  you know, they're a little bit more advanced than that by now
435BECond umCE # na mae (y)na fath â ryw bethau bach +// .
  but um no be.3S.PRES there kind with some things small
  but.CONJ um.IM PRT.NEG be.V.3S.PRES there.ADV type.N.F.SG+SM as.CONJ some.PREQ+SM things.N.M.PL+SM small.ADJ
  but um, no there are, like, some little things...
454BECna ti justCE yn roi hwnnw (y)n y canol .
  no PRON.2S just PRT put.NONFIN that in DET middle
  no.ADV you.PRON.2S just.ADV PRT give.V.INFIN+SM that.PRON.DEM.M.SG in.PREP the.DET.DEF middle.N.M.SG
  no, you just put that in the middle
568ALY+< wellCE na mae GrahamCE yn mynd i dyny (y)r gegin mas .
  well no be.3S.PRES Graham PRT go.NONFIN to take.NONFIN DET kitchen out
  well.ADV no.ADV be.V.3S.PRES name PRT go.V.INFIN to.PREP unk the.DET.DEF kitchen.N.F.SG+SM bass.ADJ+NM.[or].shallow.ADJ+NM
  well no, Graham's going to take out the kitchen
580ALY+< na .
581BECna dim_byd .
  no nothing
  no.ADV nothing.ADV
  no, nothing
583ALYond na mae raid bod e ddim timod .
  but no be.3S.PRES necessity be.NONFIN PRON.3SM NEG know.2S
  but.CONJ PRT.NEG be.V.3S.PRES necessity.N.M.SG+SM be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S nothing.N.M.SG+SM.[or].not.ADV+SM know.V.2S.PRES
  but no, he must not, you know
600ALYa na fe wnaeth bwyntio mas timod +"/ .
  and no PRT do.3S.PAST point.NONFIN out know.2S
  and.CONJ (n)or.CONJ PRT.AFF do.V.3S.PAST+SM point.V.INFIN+SM bass.ADJ+NM.[or].shallow.ADJ+NM know.V.2S.PRES
  and no, he pointed out, you know:
648BECbosib na &ʔ mynd [//] dreifio rywle o'n i ac umCE gweld hi <(y)n &p> [//] yn cerdded heibio timod .
  possible no go.NONFIN drive.NONFIN somewhere be.1S.IMP PRON.1S and IM see.NONFIN PRON.3SF PRT PRT walk.NONFIN past know.2S
  possible.ADJ+SM (n)or.CONJ go.V.INFIN drive.V.INFIN somewhere.N.M.SG+SM be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S and.CONJ um.IM see.V.INFIN she.PRON.F.3S PRT.[or].in.PREP PRT walk.V.INFIN past.PREP know.V.2S.PRES
  possibly, no I was driving somewhere, and um, saw her walking past, you know
677ALYyeahCE na na na xx na .
  yeah no no no no
  yeah.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  yeah no no no [...] no
677ALYyeahCE na na na xx na .
  yeah no no no no
  yeah.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  yeah no no no [...] no
677ALYyeahCE na na na xx na .
  yeah no no no no
  yeah.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  yeah no no no [...] no
677ALYyeahCE na na na xx na .
  yeah no no no no
  yeah.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  yeah no no no [...] no
698BECohCE yeahCE na wnes i newid wedyn .
  IM yeah no do.1S.PAST PRON.1S change.NONFIN
  oh.IM yeah.ADV who_not.PRON.REL.NEG do.V.1S.PAST+SM I.PRON.1S change.V.INFIN afterwards.ADV
  oh yeah, no I changed afterwards
715ALYna xxx .
  no [...]
741ALY+< na na # na .
  no no no
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  no no, no
741ALY+< na na # na .
  no no no
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  no no, no
741ALY+< na na # na .
  no no no
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  no no, no
794BECwedyn # na fydda i (y)n iawn .
  then no be.1S.FUT PRON.1S PRT right
  afterwards.ADV PRT.NEG be.V.1S.FUT+SM I.PRON.1S PRT OK.ADV
  then, no I'll be fine
829ALYwellCE na neu [?] <sa i> [//] [?] rai blynyddau nôl dim ond # pâr oedd .
  well no or NEG PRON.1S some years back NEG but pair be.3S.IMP
  well.ADV no.ADV or.CONJ be.V.1S.PLUPERF I.PRON.1S some.PREQ+SM years.N.F.PL fetch.V.INFIN nothing.N.M.SG.[or].not.ADV but.CONJ pair.N.M.SG be.V.3S.IMPERF
  well no, some years ago there was only a pair
859ALY+" ohCE na chwarae teg mae mewn poen dydy .
  IM no play.NONFIN fair be.3S.PRES in pain be.3S.PRES.NEG
  oh.IM no.ADV game.N.M.SG fair.ADJ be.V.3S.PRES in.PREP pain.N.MF.SG be.V.3S.PRES.NEG
  "oh no, fair play, it's in pain, isn't it"
889ALYond na mae raid bod e (y)n iawn .
  but no be.3S.PRES necessity be.NONFIN PRON.3SM PRT right
  but.CONJ PRT.NEG be.V.3S.PRES necessity.N.M.SG+SM be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S PRT OK.ADV
  but no, it must be fine
892ALYna w i (y)n gwybod .
  no be.1S.PRES PRON.1S PRT know.NONFIN
  no.ADV ooh.IM to.PREP PRT know.V.INFIN
  no, I know
938BEC+< na dim_byd na na .
  no nothing no no
  no.ADV nothing.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  no, nothing, no no
938BEC+< na dim_byd na na .
  no nothing no no
  no.ADV nothing.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  no, nothing, no no
938BEC+< na dim_byd na na .
  no nothing no no
  no.ADV nothing.ADV no.ADV no.ADV
  no, nothing, no no
972ALY+" na nothingE .
  no nothing
  no.ADV nothing.PRON
  "no, nothing"
976ALY+" na na na # mae nhw (we)di siarad (gy)da chi .
  no no no be.3PL.PRES PRON.3PL PRT.PAST speak.NONFIN with PRON.2PL
  no.ADV no.ADV PRT.NEG be.V.3S.PRES they.PRON.3P after.PREP talk.V.INFIN with.PREP you.PRON.2P
  "no no no, they've spoken to you"
976ALY+" na na na # mae nhw (we)di siarad (gy)da chi .
  no no no be.3PL.PRES PRON.3PL PRT.PAST speak.NONFIN with PRON.2PL
  no.ADV no.ADV PRT.NEG be.V.3S.PRES they.PRON.3P after.PREP talk.V.INFIN with.PREP you.PRON.2P
  "no no no, they've spoken to you"
976ALY+" na na na # mae nhw (we)di siarad (gy)da chi .
  no no no be.3PL.PRES PRON.3PL PRT.PAST speak.NONFIN with PRON.2PL
  no.ADV no.ADV PRT.NEG be.V.3S.PRES they.PRON.3P after.PREP talk.V.INFIN with.PREP you.PRON.2P
  "no no no, they've spoken to you"
1035ALY+< nag oedd na yn union na .
  NEG be.3S.PRES no PRT exact no
  than.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF no.ADV.[or].PRT.NEG.[or].who_not.PRON.REL.NEG.[or].(n)or.CONJ.[or].than.CONJ PRT exact.ADJ no.ADV
  no, no exactly, no
1035ALY+< nag oedd na yn union na .
  NEG be.3S.PRES no PRT exact no
  than.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF no.ADV.[or].PRT.NEG.[or].who_not.PRON.REL.NEG.[or].(n)or.CONJ.[or].than.CONJ PRT exact.ADJ no.ADV
  no, no exactly, no
1040BEC+< ohCE na !
  IM no
  oh.IM no.ADV
  oh no!