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Siarad, fusser16: 'o'

20ANWond gafon ni lotCE o hwyl de .
  but get.1PL.PAST PRON.1PL lot of fun TAG
  but.CONJ get.V.1P.PAST+SM we.PRON.1P lot.N.SG of.PREP fun.N.F.SG be.IM+SM
  but we had a lot of fun, you know
36SIRdo <fuo (y)na> [?] lotCE o waith xxx .
  yes be.3S.PAST there lot of work
  yes.ADV.PAST unk there.ADV lot.N.SG of.PREP work.N.M.SG+SM
  yes, there was a lot of work [...]
56ANWoedd o ar y televisionCE adeg hynny doedd .
  be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM on DET television time that be.3S.IMP.NEG
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S on.PREP the.DET.DEF television.N.SG time.N.F.SG that.ADJ.DEM.SP be.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG
  he was on television then, wasn't he
71ANW+, a gafr # o dros y ffordd # y [?] # care_takerE .
  and goat from over DET road DET care_taker
  and.CONJ goat.N.F.SG he.PRON.M.3S over.PREP+SM the.DET.DEF way.N.F.SG the.DET.DEF unk
  and a goat from across the road, the care-taker
90ANW+" fuodd [?] o (y)n gafael <yn fan (y)na fel (yn)a> [?] .
  be.3S.PAST PRON.3SM PRT hold.NONFIN in place there like there
  be.V.3S.PAST+SM he.PRON.M.3S PRT grasp.V.INFIN PRT place.N.MF.SG+SM there.ADV like.CONJ there.ADV
  "he was holding that place like that"
107SIRxxx a be wnaeth o dod â pry copyn mewn boxCE (y)no .
  and what do.3S.PAST PRON.3SM come.NONFIN with insect spider in box there
  and.CONJ what.INT do.V.3S.PAST+SM he.PRON.M.3S come.V.INFIN with.PREP insect.N.M.SG unk in.PREP box.N.SG.[or].pox.N.SG+SM there.ADV
  [...] and what he did was bring along a spider in a box
119ANW(dy)dy o (ddi)m ots gynnoch chi fo [?] ?
  be.3S.PRES.NEG PRON.3SM NEG matter with.2PL PRON.2PL PRON.3SM
  be.V.3S.PRES.NEG he.PRON.M.3S not.ADV+SM problem.N.M.SG with_you.PREP+PRON.2P you.PRON.2P he.PRON.M.3S
  you don't mind it?
153ANWneu os (y)dy o (we)di dod i_mewn trwy ffenestr bathroomCE dach chi (ddi)m haws na trio hel allan trwy (y)r drws frontCE .
  or if be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM PRT.PAST come.NONFIN in through window bathroom be.2PL.PRES PRON.2PL NEG easier PRT try.NONFIN chase.NONFIN out through DET door front
  or.CONJ if.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S after.PREP come.V.INFIN in.ADV.[or].in.PREP through.PREP window.N.F.SG bathroom.N.SG be.V.2P.PRES you.PRON.2P not.ADV+SM easier.ADJ (n)or.CONJ try.V.INFIN collect.V.INFIN out.ADV through.PREP the.DET.DEF door.N.M.SG front.N.SG
  or if it's come in through the bathroom window, there's no point trying to chase it out through the front door
154ANWmae raid o fynd allan trwy (y)r ffenestr yr un ffordd xxx ohCE .
  be.3S.PRES necessity PRON.3SM go.NONFIN out through DET window DET one way IM
  be.V.3S.PRES necessity.N.M.SG+SM of.PREP go.V.INFIN+SM out.ADV through.PREP the.DET.DEF window.N.F.SG the.DET.DEF one.NUM way.N.F.SG oh.IM
  it has to go out through the window, the same way [...] oh!
162SIR<ond dw i ddim (we)di gweld> [?] [///] (y)chydig iawn &n o slumod <dw i (we)di> [?] weld (fe)lly de .
  but be.1S.PRES PRON.1S NEG PRT.PAST see.NONFIN a_little very of bats be.1S.PRES PRON.1S PRT.PAST see.NONFIN thus TAG
  but.CONJ be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S not.ADV+SM after.PREP see.V.INFIN a_little.QUAN OK.ADV he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP unk be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S after.PREP see.V.INFIN+SM so.ADV be.IM+SM
  but I haven't seen...I've only seen very few bats, you know
213SIRa # giang o rei bach efo hi (y)no .
  and gang of some small with PRON.3SF there
  and.CONJ unk of.PREP some.PRON+SM small.ADJ with.PREP she.PRON.F.3S there.ADV
  and a gang of little ones with her there
229ANWa (we)di dod o ryw hen domen neu (ryw)beth oedden nhw .
  and PRT.PAST come.NONFIN from some old dunghill or something be.3PL.IMP PRON.3PL
  and.CONJ after.PREP come.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S some.PREQ+SM old.ADJ wasteheap.N.F.SG+SM or.CONJ something.N.M.SG+SM be.V.3P.IMPERF they.PRON.3P
  and they'd come from some old dunghill or something
248ANWoedd (we)di dod i_mewn <o &t> [//] o (y)r wal o rywle .
  be.3S.IMP PRT.PAST come.NONFIN in from from DET wall from somewhere
  be.V.3S.IMPERF after.PREP come.V.INFIN in.ADV.[or].in.PREP he.PRON.M.3S of.PREP the.DET.DEF wall.N.F.SG of.PREP somewhere.N.M.SG+SM
  it came in from the wall from somewhere
248ANWoedd (we)di dod i_mewn <o &t> [//] o (y)r wal o rywle .
  be.3S.IMP PRT.PAST come.NONFIN in from from DET wall from somewhere
  be.V.3S.IMPERF after.PREP come.V.INFIN in.ADV.[or].in.PREP he.PRON.M.3S of.PREP the.DET.DEF wall.N.F.SG of.PREP somewhere.N.M.SG+SM
  it came in from the wall from somewhere
248ANWoedd (we)di dod i_mewn <o &t> [//] o (y)r wal o rywle .
  be.3S.IMP PRT.PAST come.NONFIN in from from DET wall from somewhere
  be.V.3S.IMPERF after.PREP come.V.INFIN in.ADV.[or].in.PREP he.PRON.M.3S of.PREP the.DET.DEF wall.N.F.SG of.PREP somewhere.N.M.SG+SM
  it came in from the wall from somewhere
296SIRo'n i (y)n pasio dwn i (ddi)m faint bob diwrnod mynd adre o gwaith a ballu de .
  be.1S.IMP PRON.1S PRT pass.NONFIN know.1S.NONPAST.NEG PRON.1S NEG how_much every day go.NONFIN home from work and such TAG
  be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S PRT pass.V.INFIN know.V.1S.PRES.NEG I.PRON.1S not.ADV+SM size.N.M.SG+SM each.PREQ+SM day.N.M.SG go.V.INFIN home.ADV of.PREP work.N.M.SG and.CONJ suchlike.PRON be.IM+SM
  I'd pass I don't know how many every day going home from work and so on, you know
314SIRa hynny ers dros pedwar_deg o flynyddoedd .
  and that since over forty of years
  and.CONJ that.PRON.DEM.SP since.PREP over.PREP+SM forty.NUM of.PREP years.N.F.PL+SM
  and that in more than forty years
321ANWargoel fawr # mi oedd o (y)n erCE +// .
  lord big PRT be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT IM
  omen.N.F.SG big.ADJ+SM PRT.AFF be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT.[or].in.PREP er.IM
  good lord, he was, er...
322ANWoedd o (y)n dod ar_draws xxx yn ei lwybr o lle bynnag oedd o ryw ha .
  be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT come.NONFIN across in POSS.3SM path PRON.3SM where every be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM some summer
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT come.V.INFIN across.PREP PRT.[or].in.PREP his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S path.N.M.SG+SM of.PREP place.N.M.SG -ever.ADJ be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S some.PREQ+SM summer.N.M.SG
  he came across [...] right in his way, wherever he was some summer
322ANWoedd o (y)n dod ar_draws xxx yn ei lwybr o lle bynnag oedd o ryw ha .
  be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT come.NONFIN across in POSS.3SM path PRON.3SM where every be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM some summer
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT come.V.INFIN across.PREP PRT.[or].in.PREP his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S path.N.M.SG+SM of.PREP place.N.M.SG -ever.ADJ be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S some.PREQ+SM summer.N.M.SG
  he came across [...] right in his way, wherever he was some summer
322ANWoedd o (y)n dod ar_draws xxx yn ei lwybr o lle bynnag oedd o ryw ha .
  be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT come.NONFIN across in POSS.3SM path PRON.3SM where every be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM some summer
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT come.V.INFIN across.PREP PRT.[or].in.PREP his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S path.N.M.SG+SM of.PREP place.N.M.SG -ever.ADJ be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S some.PREQ+SM summer.N.M.SG
  he came across [...] right in his way, wherever he was some summer
326ANWoedd o mynd # lawr am Bryn_MeurigCE dros # clawdd .
  be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM go.NONFIN down for Bryn_Meurig over hedge
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S go.V.INFIN down.ADV for.PREP name over.PREP+SM hedge.N.M.SG
  he was going down from Bryn Meurig over a hedge
327ANWa mynd xxx o ben clawdd fel (yn)a mi oedd (y)na xxx un gron yno te .
  and go.NONFIN from head hedge like there PRT be.3S.IMP there on round there TAG
  and.CONJ go.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S head.N.M.SG+SM hedge.N.M.SG like.CONJ there.ADV PRT.AFF be.V.3S.IMPERF there.ADV one.NUM round.ADJ.F+SM there.ADV be.IM
  and going [...] from the top of the hedge like that, there was [...] a round one there, you know
338ANWoedden [/] oedden ni (we)di mynd o (y)ma .
  be.1PL.IMP be.1PL.IMP PRON.1PL PRT.PAST go.NONFIN from here
  be.V.13P.IMPERF be.V.1P.IMPERF we.PRON.1P after.PREP go.V.INFIN from.PREP here.ADV
  we'd gone away
345ANWa be wnaeth o de +/ .
  and what do.3S.PAST PRON.3SM TAG
  and.CONJ what.INT do.V.3S.PAST+SM he.PRON.M.3S be.IM+SM
  and what he did, right...
372SIRumCE welais i (ddi)m llawer o (ddi)m_byd peryg de .
  IM see.1S.PAST PRON.1S NEG much of nothing dangerous TAG
  um.IM see.V.1S.PAST+SM I.PRON.1S not.ADV+SM many.QUAN of.PREP nothing.ADV+SM danger.N.M.SG be.IM+SM
  um, I didn't see much that was dangerous, you know
375SIRna (y)chydig iawn <o anifeiliaid gwylltion> [?] xxx .
  no a_little very of animals wild
  no.ADV a_little.QUAN OK.ADV of.PREP animals.N.M.PL fly_into a temper.V.3P.PAST.[or].fly_into a temper.V.1P.PAST
  no [...] very little wild animals
397ANWa (we)dyn oedd gofyn bod chi wedi # mynd â gwahanol fath o ddillad felly .
  and then be.3S.IMP demand be.NONFIN PRON.2PL PRT.PAST go.NONFIN with different kind of clothes thus
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF ask.V.INFIN be.V.INFIN you.PRON.2P after.PREP go.V.INFIN with.PREP different.ADJ type.N.F.SG+SM.[or].bath.N.M.SG+SM of.PREP clothes.N.M.PL+SM so.ADV
  so you had to take different kinds of clothes
412SIRoedd genna i ddoseCE iawn o annwyd <diwrnod wedyn cyn dod adre> [=! laughs] .
  be.3S.IMP with.1S PRON.1S dose right of cold day after before come.NONFIN home
  be.V.3S.IMPERF grow_scaly.V.3S.PRES+SM I.PRON.1S.[or].to.PREP dose.N.SG+SM OK.ADV of.PREP cold.N.M.SG day.N.M.SG afterwards.ADV before.PREP come.V.INFIN home.ADV
  I had a good dose of cold the next day before coming home
418ANW&s umCE # tripCE EdwardCE oedd o .
  IM trip Edward be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM
  um.IM trip.N.SG name be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S
  um, it was Edward's trip
438ANWbod [?] nhw (we)di cael digon o bres .
  be.NONFIN PRON.3PL PRT.PAST get.NONFIN enough of money
  be.V.INFIN they.PRON.3P after.PREP get.V.INFIN enough.QUAN of.PREP money.N.M.SG+SM
  that they've had enough money
451SIRa fan (y)no oedd ran fwya o (y)r llyfrau bob_dim mynd .
  and place there be.3S.IMP part biggest of DET books everything go.NONFIN
  and.CONJ place.N.MF.SG+SM there.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF part.N.F.SG+SM biggest.ADJ.SUP+SM of.PREP the.DET.DEF books.N.M.PL everything.PRON.[or].everything.N.M.SG+SM go.V.INFIN
  and that's where most of the books and everything went
454ANW<mae (y)na &l> [///] mae nhw (we)di cael llawer o lyfrau o Gymru tydyn wan .
  be.3S.PRES there be.3PL.PRES PRON.3PL PRT.PAST get.NONFIN much of books from Wales be.3PL.PRES.NEG now
  be.V.3S.PRES there.ADV be.V.3S.PRES they.PRON.3P after.PREP get.V.INFIN many.QUAN of.PREP books.N.M.PL+SM of.PREP Wales.N.F.SG.PLACE+SM unk weak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM
  there's...they've had a lot of books from Wales, haven't they, now
454ANW<mae (y)na &l> [///] mae nhw (we)di cael llawer o lyfrau o Gymru tydyn wan .
  be.3S.PRES there be.3PL.PRES PRON.3PL PRT.PAST get.NONFIN much of books from Wales be.3PL.PRES.NEG now
  be.V.3S.PRES there.ADV be.V.3S.PRES they.PRON.3P after.PREP get.V.INFIN many.QUAN of.PREP books.N.M.PL+SM of.PREP Wales.N.F.SG.PLACE+SM unk weak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM
  there's...they've had a lot of books from Wales, haven't they, now
461SIRneu o'n i (we)di prynu rei o (y)r SteddfodCE (fe)lly .
  or be.1S.IMP PRON.1S PRT.PAST buy.NONFIN some from DET Eisteddfod thus
  or.CONJ be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S after.PREP buy.V.INFIN some.PRON+SM of.PREP the.DET.DEF name so.ADV
  or I'd bought some from the Eisteddfod, like
500SIRond umCE oedd GaimanCE # <oedd hwnnw> [///] # oedd (y)na lotCE o Gymry (y)n GaimanCE de .
  but IM be.3S.IMP Gaiman be.3S.IMP that be.3S.IMP there lot of Welsh_people in Gaiman TAG
  but.CONJ um.IM be.V.3S.IMPERF name be.V.3S.IMPERF that.PRON.DEM.M.SG be.V.3S.IMPERF there.ADV lot.N.SG of.PREP Welsh_people.N.M.PL+SM in.PREP name be.IM+SM
  but um, the Gaiman, that was...there were a lot of Welsh people in Gaiman, you know
503SIRpentre bychan oedd o .
  village small be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM
  village.N.M.SG small.ADJ be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S
  it was a small village
505SIRa (we)dyn o'ch chi (y)n gweld mwy o Gymry (y)no hefyd .
  and then be.2PL.IMP PRON.2PL PRT see.NONFIN more of Welsh_people there also
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV unk you.PRON.2P PRT see.V.INFIN more.ADJ.COMP of.PREP Welsh_people.N.M.PL+SM there.ADV also.ADV
  so you'd see more Welsh there too
508ANWbe (y)dy o ?
  what be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM
  what.INT be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S
  what is it?
520ANWcafeCE bach oedd o .
  cafe small be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM
  unk small.ADJ be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S
  it was a small cafe
523SIRdoedd o (ddi)m yn (a)gored pan oedden ni (y)no .
  be.3S.IMP.NEG PRON.3SM PRT open when be.1PL.IMP PRON.1PL there
  be.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG he.PRON.M.3S not.ADV+SM PRT open.ADJ.[or].open.V.3S.IMPER when.CONJ be.V.1P.IMPERF we.PRON.1P there.ADV
  it wasn't open when we were there
526SIRyntau doedden nhw (ddi)m &a [/] agor adeg yna o (y)r flwyddyn .
  or be.3PL.IMP.NEG PRON.3PL NEG open time there of DET year
  he.PRON.EMPH.M.3S be.V.3P.IMPERF.NEG they.PRON.3P not.ADV+SM open.V.INFIN time.N.F.SG there.ADV of.PREP the.DET.DEF year.N.F.SG+SM
  or they weren't open that time of year
538SIRa (we)dyn oedd carCE yn dŵad a mond llwch mawr ar ei ôl o (fe)lly .
  and then be.3S.IMP car PRT come.NONFIN and only dust big on POSS.3S track PRON.3SM thus
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF car.N.SG PRT come.V.INFIN and.CONJ bond.N.M.SG+NM dust.N.M.SG big.ADJ on.PREP his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S rear.ADJ he.PRON.M.3S so.ADV
  and then a car would come and just a big cloud of dust behind it, like
547SIRwedyn mi oedd y hogyn bach # umCE # xxx cofio enw o wan # umCE # mynd â ni o_gwmpas .
  then PRT be.3S.IMP DET boy small IM remember.NONFIN name PRON.3SM now IM go.NONFIN with PRON.1PL around
  afterwards.ADV PRT.AFF be.V.3S.IMPERF the.DET.DEF lad.N.M.SG small.ADJ um.IM remember.V.INFIN name.N.M.SG he.PRON.M.3S weak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM um.IM go.V.INFIN with.PREP we.PRON.1P around.ADV
  then this boy, um [...] remember his name now, um, took us around
549SIRwedyn oedd o mynd â ni roundCE i siopa .
  then be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM go.NONFIN with PRON.1PL round to shop.NONFIN
  afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S go.V.INFIN with.PREP we.PRON.1P round.ADJ to.PREP shop.V.INFIN
  then he'd take us around shopping
550SIRoedd o medru &ʃbar [//] siarad hefyd yn yr iaith honno (he)fyd doedd .
  be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM can.NONFIN speak.NONFIN also in DET language that also be.3S.IMP.NEG
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S be_able.V.INFIN talk.V.INFIN also.ADV in.PREP the.DET.DEF language.N.F.SG that.ADJ.DEM.F.SG also.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG
  he could talk too in that language too, couldn't he
554SIRa wedyn oedd o mynd â ni o_gwmpas er_mwyn cael dod efo ni .
  and then be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM go.NONFIN with PRON.1PL around for get.NONFIN come.NONFIN with PRON.1PL
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S go.V.INFIN with.PREP we.PRON.1P around.ADV for_the_sake_of.PREP get.V.INFIN come.V.INFIN with.PREP we.PRON.1P
  so he took us around so he could come with us
563SIR(we)dyn oedd o (y)n deud .
  then be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT say.NONFIN
  afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT say.V.INFIN
  so he said
564SIR(we)dyn oedd o (y)n cael gyn hwn a llall yn_doedd .
  then be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT get.NONFIN from this and other be.3S.IMP.NEG
  afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT get.V.INFIN with.PREP this.PRON.DEM.M.SG and.CONJ other.PRON be.V.3S.IMPERF.TAG
  so he'd get from various people, wouldn't he
596ANW+< oedd (y)na neb o pen yma ond ychi ?
  be.3S.IMP there nobody from head here but PRON.2PL
  be.V.3S.IMPERF there.ADV anyone.PRON of.PREP head.N.M.SG here.ADV but.CONJ you_know.IM
  there was nobody from around here but you?
634SIRnaddo o mlaen i .
  no of front PRON.1S
  no.ADV.PAST of.PREP front.N.M.SG+NM to.PREP
  no, before me
636ANW+< o (ei)ch blaen chi mae [?] (we)di bod .
  of.PREP your.ADJ.POSS.2P front.N.M.SG.[or].plain.ADJ+SM you.PRON.2P be.V.3S.PRES after.PREP be.V.INFIN
  she went before you
648ANWdan ni (we)di cael gwadd i # Sefydliad_y_Merched # AberdaronCE # o Ferched_y_WawrCE BryncroesCE [?] .
  be.1PL.PRES PRON.1PL PRT.PAST get.NONFIN invitation to Womens''_Institute Aberdaron from Merched_y_Wawr Bryncroes
  be.V.1P.PRES we.PRON.1P after.PREP get.V.INFIN unk to.PREP name name of.PREP name name
  we've been invited to the Aberdaron Womens' Institute from the Bryncroes Merched y Wawr
669SIRond eto # be wela i # <na dw i (we)di> [?] weld o blaen hwyrach yn_de .
  but again what see.1S.NONPAST PRON.1S NEG be.1S.PRES PRON.1S PRT.PAST see.NONFIN of before perhaps TAG
  but.CONJ again.ADV what.INT see.V.1S.PRES+SM I.PRON.1S PRT.NEG be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S after.PREP see.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S front.N.M.SG.[or].plain.ADJ+SM perhaps.ADV isn't_it.IM
  yet again, what will I see that I haven't seen before perhaps, you know
671ANW+< ia dyna ydy o de .
  yes there be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM TAG
  yes.ADV that_is.ADV be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S be.IM+SM
  yes, that's the thing
678SIRa # <pethau oedd> [?] lleill (dd)im yn cael ei wneud o .
  and things be.3S.IMP others NEG PRT get.NONFIN POSS.3SM do.NONFIN PRON.3SM
  and.CONJ things.N.M.PL be.V.3S.IMPERF others.PRON not.ADV+SM PRT get.V.INFIN his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S make.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S
  and things the others couldn't do
681ANW+< o:hCE mi oedd o (y)n helpCE doedd .
  IM PRT be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT help be.3S.IMP.NEG
  oh, that helped, didn't it
713SIRa: wedyn umCE # mae gynna i lun o (y)r hogyn bach yn eistedd ar y gadair yn y tŷ (fe)lly .
  and then IM be.3S.PRES with.1S PRON.1S picture of DET boy small PRT sit.NONFIN on DET chair in DET house thus
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV um.IM be.V.3S.PRES with_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S to.PREP picture.N.M.SG+SM of.PREP the.DET.DEF lad.N.M.SG small.ADJ PRT sit.V.INFIN on.PREP the.DET.DEF chair.N.F.SG+SM in.PREP the.DET.DEF house.N.M.SG so.ADV
  and so I've got a photo of the boy sitting in the chair in the house, like
727ANW+" ohCE pam na rowch chi un o rheiny ?
  IM why NEG give.2PL.NONPAST PRON.2PL one of those
  oh.IM why?.ADV PRT.NEG give.V.2P.PRES+SM you.PRON.2P one.NUM of.PREP those.PRON
  "oh why don't you give one of those?"
757SIRo'n i meddwl bod (r)heiny # yn ofnadwy o niceCE de .
  be.1S.IMP PRON.1S think.NONFIN be.NONFIN those PRT terrible of nice TAG
  be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S think.V.INFIN be.V.INFIN those.PRON PRT terrible.ADJ of.PREP nice.ADJ be.IM+SM
  I thought those were incredibly nice, you know
764ANWa [?] dydy o (ddi)m mor hawdd nac (y)dy .
  and be.3S.PRES.NEG PRON.3SM NEG so easy NEG be.3S.PRES
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES.NEG he.PRON.M.3S not.ADV+SM so.ADV easy.ADJ PRT.NEG be.V.3S.PRES
  and it's not as easy, is it
784ANW+< chi [?] (y)n cael lotCE o [/] o gig ?
  PRON.2PL PRT get.NONFIN lot of of meat
  you.PRON.2P PRT get.V.INFIN lot.N.SG of.PREP of.PREP meat.N.M.SG+SM
  did you [?] have a lot of meat?
784ANW+< chi [?] (y)n cael lotCE o [/] o gig ?
  PRON.2PL PRT get.NONFIN lot of of meat
  you.PRON.2P PRT get.V.INFIN lot.N.SG of.PREP of.PREP meat.N.M.SG+SM
  did you [?] have a lot of meat?
785SIR+< lotCE o gig # cig oen .
  lot of meat meat lamb
  lot.N.SG of.PREP meat.N.M.SG+SM meat.N.M.SG lamb.N.M.SG
  a lot of meat, lamb
805SIRwellCE mae sureCE bod o (y)n dân # umCE +// .
  well be.3S.PRES sure be.NONFIN PRON.3SM PRT fire IM
  well.ADV be.V.3S.PRES sure.ADJ be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S PRT fire.N.M.SG+SM um.IM
  well, it's probably fire, um...
807SIRdw i (ddi)m yn gwybod be oedd o # a deud y gwir .
  be.1S.PRES PRON.1S NEG PRT know.NONFIN what be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT say.NONFIN DET truth
  be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S not.ADV+SM PRT know.V.INFIN what.INT be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S and.CONJ say.V.INFIN the.DET.DEF truth.N.M.SG
  I don't know what it was, to tell the truth
810SIRond wchi oedd o yn y ffenestr (fe)lly # tu allan i cafesCE (y)ma (fe)lly .
  but know.2PL be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM in DET window thus side out to cafes here thus
  but.CONJ know.V.2P.PRES be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S in.PREP the.DET.DEF window.N.F.SG so.ADV side.N.M.SG out.ADV to.PREP unk here.ADV so.ADV
  but you know it was in the window, like, outside these cafes, like
816ANWbe (y)dy o ?
  what be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM
  what.INT be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S
  what is it?
822ANWoedd o niceCE ?
  be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM nice
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S nice.ADJ
  was it nice?
823SIRwellCE # (ba)swn i medru yfed o am wn i de .
  well be.1S.CONDIT PRON.1S can.NONFIN drink.NONFIN PRON.3SM for know.1S.NONPAST PRON.1S TAG
  well.ADV be.V.1S.PLUPERF I.PRON.1S be_able.V.INFIN drink.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S for.PREP know.V.1S.PRES+SM I.PRON.1S be.IM+SM
  well, I could drink it, I suppose, you know
829SIRdyna ddois i i (y)r plant o (y)na i_gyd .
  there come.1S.NONPAST PRON.1S for DET children from there all
  that_is.ADV unk to.PREP to.PREP the.DET.DEF child.N.M.PL he.PRON.M.3S there.ADV all.ADJ
  that's all I brought the children from there
832SIRumCE (r)heiny a # wedi cael ei [=? eu] wneud o # umCE +// .
  IM those and PRT.PAST get.NONFIN POSS.3S do.NONFIN from IM
  um.IM those.PRON and.CONJ after.PREP get.V.INFIN his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S make.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S um.IM
  um, those and made from...
847SIRmethu gwybod be &ɔi [//] (ba)swn i (y)n gael o (y)no # a dim isio cario (d)im_byd rhy fawr chwaith de .
  fail.NONFIN know.NONFIN what be.1S.CONDIT PRON.1S PRT get.NONFIN from there and NEG want carry.NONFIN nothing too big either TAG
  fail.V.INFIN know.V.INFIN what.INT be.V.1S.PLUPERF I.PRON.1S PRT get.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S there.ADV and.CONJ not.ADV want.N.M.SG carry.V.INFIN nothing.ADV too.ADJ big.ADJ+SM neither.ADV be.IM+SM
  didn't know what I'd get from there, and didn't want to carry anything that was too big, either, you know
857SIRa <mae o> [?] [//] <mae mynd wneud> [?] dipyn mwy o le .
  and be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM be.3S.PRES go.NONFIN do.NONFIN a_little more of place
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S be.V.3S.PRES go.V.INFIN make.V.INFIN+SM little_bit.N.M.SG+SM more.ADJ.COMP of.PREP place.N.M.SG+SM
  and it''s going to take quite a bit more space
857SIRa <mae o> [?] [//] <mae mynd wneud> [?] dipyn mwy o le .
  and be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM be.3S.PRES go.NONFIN do.NONFIN a_little more of place
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S be.V.3S.PRES go.V.INFIN make.V.INFIN+SM little_bit.N.M.SG+SM more.ADJ.COMP of.PREP place.N.M.SG+SM
  and it''s going to take quite a bit more space
866SIRwedi wneud o goedyn (fe)lly de .
  PRT.PAST do.NONFIN from wood thus TAG
  after.PREP make.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S unk so.ADV be.IM+SM
  made out of wood, like, you know
868SIRohCE do ddois i o [/] o umCE # xxx +// .
  IM yes come.1S.PAST PRON.1S from from IM
  oh.IM yes.ADV.PAST unk to.PREP of.PREP he.PRON.M.3S um.IM
  oh yes, I brough from...from, um [...] ...
868SIRohCE do ddois i o [/] o umCE # xxx +// .
  IM yes come.1S.PAST PRON.1S from from IM
  oh.IM yes.ADV.PAST unk to.PREP of.PREP he.PRON.M.3S um.IM
  oh yes, I brough from...from, um [...] ...
872SIR<wedi wneud> [//] wedi carfio allan o bren peth i ddal # umCE goriadau (fe)lly de .
  PRT.PAST do.NONFIN PRT.PAST carve.NONFIN out of wood thing to hold.NONFIN IM keys thus TAG
  after.PREP make.V.INFIN+SM after.PREP unk out.ADV of.PREP wood.N.M.SG+SM thing.N.M.SG to.PREP continue.V.INFIN+SM um.IM unk so.ADV be.IM+SM
  made...carved out of wood, something to hold keys, like, you know
875SIRxxx weld o fyny (y)n tŷ (y)na .
  see.NONFIN PRON.3SM up in house there
  see.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S up.ADV PRT.[or].in.PREP house.N.M.SG there.ADV
  [...] see it up in the house
880SIRond erCE oedd isio dod â dipyn bach o bob_dim o wahanol lefydd doedd .
  but IM be.3S.IMP want come.NONFIN with a_little small of everything from different places be.3S.IMP.NEG
  but.CONJ er.IM be.V.3S.IMPERF want.N.M.SG come.V.INFIN with.PREP little_bit.N.M.SG+SM small.ADJ of.PREP everything.PRON he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP different.ADJ+SM places.N.M.PL+SM be.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG
  but er, I needed to bring a little bit from different places, didn't I
880SIRond erCE oedd isio dod â dipyn bach o bob_dim o wahanol lefydd doedd .
  but IM be.3S.IMP want come.NONFIN with a_little small of everything from different places be.3S.IMP.NEG
  but.CONJ er.IM be.V.3S.IMPERF want.N.M.SG come.V.INFIN with.PREP little_bit.N.M.SG+SM small.ADJ of.PREP everything.PRON he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP different.ADJ+SM places.N.M.PL+SM be.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG
  but er, I needed to bring a little bit from different places, didn't I
887SIRmapCE o PatagoniaCE (fe)lly de .
  map of Patagonia thus TAG
  map.N.SG from.PREP name so.ADV be.IM+SM
  a map of Patagonia like, you know
906SIRwedyn naddu [?] allan o garreg goch (fe)lly .
  PRT.PAST hew.NONFIN out of stone red thus
  afterwards.ADV carve.V.INFIN out.ADV of.PREP stone.N.F.SG+SM red.ADJ+SM so.ADV
  hewn out of a red stone, like
914SIRoedd o (y)n siarad Cymraeg efo ni oedd .
  be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT speak.NONFIN Welsh with PRON.1PL be.3S.IMP
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT talk.V.INFIN Welsh.N.F.SG with.PREP we.PRON.1P be.V.3S.IMPERF
  he spoke Welsh with us, yes
923SIR+< oedd o oedd o .
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S
  it was, it was
923SIR+< oedd o oedd o .
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S
  it was, it was
943SIRa: # cardyn wedi dod gyn PeggyCE o +/ .
  and card PRT.PAST come.NONFIN from Peggy from
  and.CONJ unk after.PREP come.V.INFIN with.PREP name of.PREP
  and a card had come from Peggy from...
988SIRohCE aethon ni # AustriaCE o blaen # a mynd drosodd i (y)r Swistir o fan (y)no # &am wchi mond am ryw (y)chydig o oriau (fe)lly de # a mynd drosodd i ItalyE hefyd .
  IM go.1PL.PAST PRON.1PL Austria of front and go.NONFIN over to DET Switzerland from place there know.2PL only for some a_little of hours thus TAG and go.NONFIN over to Italy also
  oh.IM go.V.3P.PAST we.PRON.1P name of.PREP front.N.M.SG.[or].plain.ADJ+SM and.CONJ go.V.INFIN over.ADV+SM to.PREP the.DET.DEF name of.PREP place.N.MF.SG+SM there.ADV know.V.2P.PRES bond.N.M.SG+NM for.PREP some.PREQ+SM a_little.QUAN of.PREP hours.N.F.PL so.ADV be.IM+SM and.CONJ go.V.INFIN over.ADV+SM to.PREP name also.ADV
  oh, we went to Austria before and went over to Switzerland from there, you know, only for a few hours, like, you know, and went over to Italy too
988SIRohCE aethon ni # AustriaCE o blaen # a mynd drosodd i (y)r Swistir o fan (y)no # &am wchi mond am ryw (y)chydig o oriau (fe)lly de # a mynd drosodd i ItalyE hefyd .
  IM go.1PL.PAST PRON.1PL Austria of front and go.NONFIN over to DET Switzerland from place there know.2PL only for some a_little of hours thus TAG and go.NONFIN over to Italy also
  oh.IM go.V.3P.PAST we.PRON.1P name of.PREP front.N.M.SG.[or].plain.ADJ+SM and.CONJ go.V.INFIN over.ADV+SM to.PREP the.DET.DEF name of.PREP place.N.MF.SG+SM there.ADV know.V.2P.PRES bond.N.M.SG+NM for.PREP some.PREQ+SM a_little.QUAN of.PREP hours.N.F.PL so.ADV be.IM+SM and.CONJ go.V.INFIN over.ADV+SM to.PREP name also.ADV
  oh, we went to Austria before and went over to Switzerland from there, you know, only for a few hours, like, you know, and went over to Italy too
988SIRohCE aethon ni # AustriaCE o blaen # a mynd drosodd i (y)r Swistir o fan (y)no # &am wchi mond am ryw (y)chydig o oriau (fe)lly de # a mynd drosodd i ItalyE hefyd .
  IM go.1PL.PAST PRON.1PL Austria of front and go.NONFIN over to DET Switzerland from place there know.2PL only for some a_little of hours thus TAG and go.NONFIN over to Italy also
  oh.IM go.V.3P.PAST we.PRON.1P name of.PREP front.N.M.SG.[or].plain.ADJ+SM and.CONJ go.V.INFIN over.ADV+SM to.PREP the.DET.DEF name of.PREP place.N.MF.SG+SM there.ADV know.V.2P.PRES bond.N.M.SG+NM for.PREP some.PREQ+SM a_little.QUAN of.PREP hours.N.F.PL so.ADV be.IM+SM and.CONJ go.V.INFIN over.ADV+SM to.PREP name also.ADV
  oh, we went to Austria before and went over to Switzerland from there, you know, only for a few hours, like, you know, and went over to Italy too
1001ANWadeg Dolig lle mae nhw mynd o Lerpwl ar y # llong awyr # i gwlad y Santa_ClausCE .
  time Christmas where be.3PL.PRES PRON.3PL go.NONFIN from Liverpool on DET ship sky to country.NONFIN DET Santa_Claus
  time.N.F.SG Christmas.N.M.SG where.INT be.V.3S.PRES they.PRON.3P go.V.INFIN from.PREP name on.PREP the.DET.DEF ship.N.F.SG sky.N.F.SG to.PREP country.N.F.SG the.DET.DEF name
  at Christmas time, where they go from Liverpool on the aeroplane, to the country of Santa Claus
1063SIRdaeth o (ddi)m i GarndolbenmaenCE .
  go.3S.PAST.NEG PRON.3SM NEG to Garndolbenmaen
  come.V.3S.PAST he.PRON.M.3S not.ADV+SM to.PREP name
  he didn't go to Garndolbenmaen
1081SIRmi gaeth o bres da rhwng pawb (w)chi .
  PRT get.3S.PAST PRON.3SM money good between everybody know.2PL
  PRT.AFF get.V.3S.PAST+SM he.PRON.M.3S money.N.M.SG+SM good.ADJ between.PREP everyone.PRON know.V.2P.PRES
  he got good money between everybody, you know
1084ANW+< xxx SteddfodCE ChwilogCE wrth_gwrs oedd o (y)n cael pres doedd .
  Eisteddfod Chwilog of_course be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT get.NONFIN money.NONFIN be.3S.IMP.NEG
  name name of_course.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT get.V.INFIN money.N.M.SG be.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG
  [...] Chwilog Eisteddfod, of course, he got some money, didn't he
1093SIRoedd (we)di cael # dipyn da iawn iawn <o bres> [?] # &=laugh .
  be.3S.IMP PRT.PAST get.NONFIN a_little good very very of money
  be.V.3S.IMPERF after.PREP get.V.INFIN little_bit.N.M.SG+SM good.ADJ very.ADV OK.ADV of.PREP money.N.M.SG+SM
  he got a very good quite a bit
1112ANWdw i (we)di bod yno ar [//] efo pen_blwydd un o plant (y)ma xxx .
  be.1S.PRES PRON.1S PRT.PAST be.NONFIN there on with birthday one of children here
  be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S after.PREP be.V.INFIN there.ADV on.PREP with.PREP birthday.N.M.SG one.NUM of.PREP child.N.M.PL here.ADV
  I've been there for the birthday of one of the children
1123SIRxxx efo <gangCE o rei ifanc> [?] o'n i .
  with gang of some young be.1S.IMP PRON.1S
  with.PREP gang.N.SG of.PREP some.PRON+SM young.ADJ be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S
  [...] with a gang of young people, I was
1133SIRfedr hi (ddi)m sefyll o (y)n hir .
  be_able.V.3S.PRES+SM she.PRON.F.3S not.ADV+SM stand.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S PRT long.ADJ
  she can't stand it for long
1136ANWwneith o +/ .
  do.V.3S.FUT+SM he.PRON.M.3S
1141SIR+< mae o mynd .
  be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S go.V.INFIN
  he goes
1147SIRmatCE byr (y)dy o (y)n bowlio de .
  mat short be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM PRT bowl.NONFIN TAG
  mat.N.SG short.ADJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT bowl.V.INFIN.[or].bowl.V.INFIN+SM be.IM+SM
  it's a short mat for [?] bowling, isn't it
1154SIR+< <a mae o wrth> [?] xxx wrth ei fodd yn fan (y)no .
  and be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM by by POSS.3SM liking in place there
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S by.PREP by.PREP his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S pleasure.N.M.SG+SM PRT place.N.MF.SG+SM there.ADV
  and he [...] loves it there
1157ANW+< ohCE (y)dy o wneud hynny ?
  IM be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM do.NONFIN that
  oh.IM be.V.3S.PRES of.PREP make.V.INFIN+SM that.PRON.DEM.SP
  oh, does he do that?
1164ANW+< oedd (y)na hogan ifanc xxx [//] o (y)r de .
  be.3S.IMP there girl young from DET south
  be.V.3S.IMPERF there.ADV girl.N.F.SG young.ADJ of.PREP the.DET.DEF south.N.M.SG.[or].right.N.M.SG
  there was a young girl from the south
1174ANWdo'n i (e)rioed wedi # gweld <o (y)r> [?] blaen .
  be.1S.IMP.NEG PRON.1S never PRT.PAST see.NONFIN for DET front
  be.V.1S.IMPERF.NEG I.PRON.1S never.ADV after.PREP see.V.INFIN of.PREP the.DET.DEF front.N.M.SG
  I'd never seen before
1181ANW+< ond o'n i licio gweld o .
  but be.1S.IMP PRON.1S like.NONFIN see.NONFIN PRON.3SM
  but.CONJ be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S like.V.INFIN see.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S
  but I liked to see it
1186ANWofnadwy o ddiddorol te .
  terrible of interesting TAG
  terrible.ADJ of.PREP interesting.ADJ+SM be.IM
  incredibly interesting, you know
1219SIRydyn # bob math o bethau ydyn .
  be.3PL.PRES every kind of things be.3PL.PRES
  be.V.3P.PRES each.PREQ+SM type.N.F.SG of.PREP things.N.M.PL+SM be.V.3P.PRES
  yes, all kinds of things, yes
1240SIRo'n i bron â crio (a)deg hynny weld o rhedeg .
  be.1S.IMP PRON.1S almost PRT cry.NONFIN time that see.NONFIN PRON.3SM run.NONFIN
  be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S almost.ADV with.PREP cry.V.INFIN time.N.F.SG that.ADJ.DEM.SP see.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S run.V.INFIN
  I nearly cried then, seeing him run
1249ANW+< oedd o (y)n dreatE i ni plant fa(n) (y)ma doedd .
  be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT treat for PRON.1PL children place there be.3S.IMP.NEG
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT.[or].in.PREP unk to.PREP we.PRON.1P child.N.M.PL place.N.MF.SG+SM here.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG
  it was a treat for us the children here, wasn't it
1255SIRa mwy o AberdaronCE .
  and more from Aberdaron
  and.CONJ more.ADJ.COMP from.PREP name
  and further from Aberdaron
1259SIRwedyn oedd hynny a cael &m # giang o blant efo (e)i_gilydd # xxx wrth eu bodd doedden .
  then be.3S.IMP that and get.NONFIN gang of children with each_other by POSS.3PL liking be.3PL.IMP.NEG
  afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF that.PRON.DEM.SP and.CONJ get.V.INFIN unk of.PREP child.N.M.PL+SM with.PREP each_other.PRON.3SP by.PREP their.ADJ.POSS.3P pleasure.N.M.SG be.V.3P.IMPERF.NEG
  so that and having a gang of children together, [...] loved it, didn't they
1265ANWxxx lotCE o ryw bethau # gofio amdano fo .
  lot of some things remember.NONFIN about.3SM PRON.3SM
  lot.N.SG of.PREP some.PREQ+SM things.N.M.PL+SM remember.V.INFIN+SM for_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S he.PRON.M.3S
  [...] lot of things to remember about
1273SIR+< <godon ni dipyn o bres> [?] .
  raise.1PL.PAST PRON.1PL a_little of money
  lift.V.1P.PAST+SM we.PRON.1P little_bit.N.M.SG+SM of.PREP money.N.M.SG+SM
  we raised quite a lot of money
1289SIRoedd SaraCE medru wneud o ar y farmCE doedd .
  be.3S.IMP Sara can.NONFIN do.NONFIN PRON.3SM on DET farm be.3S.IMP.NEG
  be.V.3S.IMPERF name be_able.V.INFIN make.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S on.PREP the.DET.DEF farm.N.SG be.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG
  Sara could do it on the farm, couldn't she
1311ANWa dw i (y)n cofio hi yn deud erCE ryw ddyn (we)di deud # xxx doedd o ddim isio rywbeth te .
  and be.1S.PRES PRON.1S PRT remember.NONFIN PRON.3SF IM say.NONFIN IM some man PRT.PAST say.NONFIN be.3S.IMP.NEG PRON.3SM NEG want something TAG
  and.CONJ be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S PRT remember.V.INFIN she.PRON.F.3S PRT say.V.INFIN er.IM some.PREQ+SM man.N.M.SG+SM after.PREP say.V.INFIN be.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG he.PRON.M.3S not.ADV+SM want.N.M.SG something.N.M.SG+SM be.IM
  and I remember her saying, er, some man said [...] he didn't want something, you know
1378SIRa (we)dyn mi oedd &ɨ [/] un o (y)r plant wedi # licio ryw lestri (y)no .
  and then PRT be.3S.IMP one of DET children PRT.PAST like.NONFIN some crockery there
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV PRT.AFF be.V.3S.IMPERF one.NUM of.PREP the.DET.DEF child.N.M.PL after.PREP like.V.INFIN some.PREQ+SM vessel.N.M.PL+SM there.ADV
  and then one of the children took a fancy to some crockery there
1409ANWerCE modelCE o un gwydr oedd hi .
  IM model of one glass be.3S.IMP PRON.3SF
  er.IM model.N.SG he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP one.NUM glass.N.M.SG be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S
  er, it was a model of a glass one
1440ANW+< xxx dyna oedd o de .
  there be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM TAG
  that_is.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S be.IM+SM
  that's what it was, wasn't it
1450ANW+, gyn bobl o bell &gwe [//] cyngherddau xxx +/ .
  by people from far concerts
  with.PREP people.N.F.SG+SM from.PREP far.ADJ+SM concerts.N.MF.PL
  by people from afar, concerts [...] ...
1455ANWfyddwn i meddwl bod o (y)n ofnadwy # i rywun (fy)nd [?] i fyw yn RhiwCE yn lle bach distaw # gorod cerdded drost y bont (y)ma # yn hogan bach .
  be.1S.CONDIT PRON.1S think.NONFIN be.NONFIN PRON.3SM PRT terrible for somebody go.NONFIN to live in Rhiw in place small quiet must.NONFIN walk.NONFIN over DET bridge here PRT girl small
  be.V.1P.FUT+SM I.PRON.1S think.V.INFIN be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S PRT terrible.ADJ to.PREP someone.N.M.SG+SM go.V.INFIN+SM to.PREP live.V.INFIN+SM in.PREP name in.PREP place.N.M.SG small.ADJ silent.ADJ have_to.V.INFIN walk.V.INFIN over.PREP the.DET.DEF bridge.N.F.SG+SM here.ADV PRT.[or].in.PREP girl.N.F.SG small.ADJ
  I thought it was terrible for someone going to live in Rhiw in a little quiet place, having to walk over this bridge as a little girl
1456ANWdw i (y)n cofio # basech chi meddwl bod (y)na gannoedd o bobl # yn pentre .
  be.1S.PRES PRON.1S PRT remember.NONFIN be.2PL.CONDIT PRON.2PL think.NONFIN be.NONFIN there hundreds of people in village
  be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S PRT remember.V.INFIN be.V.2P.PLUPERF you.PRON.2P think.V.INFIN be.V.INFIN there.ADV hundreds.N.M.PL+SM of.PREP people.N.F.SG+SM PRT.[or].in.PREP village.N.M.SG
  I remember, you'd think there were hundreds of people in the village
1458ANWi weld oedd o te .
  to see.NONFIN be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM TAG
  to.PREP see.V.INFIN+SM be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S be.IM
  it seemed like that, didn't it
1476SIR+, wedi dod o (y)no .
  PRT.PAST come.NONFIN from there
  after.PREP come.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S there.ADV
  that came from there
1504SIRa mae o (y)n ddel [?] hefyd (dy)dy .
  and be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM PRT pretty also be.3S.PRES.NEG
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT pretty.ADJ+SM also.ADV be.V.3S.PRES.NEG
  and it is pretty too, isn't it
1515ANWgobeithio bod o (y)n cael erCE # heddwch (fe)lly .
  hope.NONFIN be.NONFIN PRON.3SM PRT get.NONFIN IM peace thus
  hope.V.INFIN be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S PRT get.V.INFIN er.IM peace.N.M.SG so.ADV
  I hope it gets peace, like
1516SIRwellCE erCE mae pla(nt) [//] (y)na dipyn o blant i weld yn mynd yno .
  well IM be.3S.PRES children there a_little of children to see.NONFIN PRT go.NONFIN there
  well.ADV er.IM be.V.3S.PRES child.N.M.PL there.ADV little_bit.N.M.SG+SM of.PREP child.N.M.PL+SM to.PREP see.V.INFIN+SM PRT go.V.INFIN there.ADV
  well, er, there seems to be a lot of children going there
1566ANWa deud y gwir # mae [/] mae ffordd # o tŷ ni wan i_lawr # ffordd rightCE grwn (fe)lly .
  PRT say.NONFIN DET truth be.3S.PRES be.3S.PRES way from house PRON.1PL now down way right round thus
  and.CONJ say.V.INFIN the.DET.DEF truth.N.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES be.V.3S.PRES way.N.F.SG of.PREP house.N.M.SG we.PRON.1P weak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM down.ADV way.N.F.SG right.ADJ round.ADJ.M+SM so.ADV
  to tell the truth, the way from our house down is quite a loop, you know
1579SIR+< diogi (y)dy o xxx # xxx arall .
  laziness be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM x other
  idle.V.INFIN be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S other.ADJ
  it's laziness [...] else
1584SIRyndy mae o rhy hawdd yndy yndy .
  be.3S.PRES be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM too easy be.3S.PRES be.3S.PRES
  be.V.3S.PRES.EMPH be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S too.ADJ easy.ADJ be.V.3S.PRES.EMPH be.V.3S.PRES.EMPH
  yes it is too easy, yes, yes
1602ANW(doe)s (yn)a fawr o (ddi)m_byd yn y # farchnad nag oes # xxx nag oes .
  be.3S.PRES.NEG there big of nothing in DET market NEG be.3S.PRES NEG be.3S.PRES
  be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF.NEG there.ADV big.ADJ+SM of.PREP nothing.ADV+SM in.PREP the.DET.DEF market.N.F.SG+SM than.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF than.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF
  there isn't much in the market, is there [...] is there
1604SIRfydda i (ddi)m balchach o mynd i dre os na cha i fynd ar ddydd Mercher .
  be.1S.FUT PRON.1S NEG more_glad of go.NONFIN to town if NEG get.1S.NONPAST PRON.1S go.NONFIN on day Wednesday
  be.V.1S.FUT+SM I.PRON.1S not.ADV+SM unk he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP go.V.INFIN to.PREP town.N.F.SG+SM if.CONJ PRT.NEG get.V.1S.PRES+AM I.PRON.1S go.V.INFIN+SM on.PREP day.N.M.SG+SM Wednesday.N.F.SG
  I'm not fussed about going to town unless I can go on Wednesday
1607ANWarferiad (y)dy o de .
  habit be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM TAG
  custom.N.MF.SG be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S be.IM+SM
  it's a habit, isn't it
1639SIRneu mae (y)na shopCE nes ymlaen o honno xxx nes ymlaen .
  or be.3S.PRES there shop closer ahead from that closer ahead
  or.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES there.ADV shop.N.SG nearer.ADJ.COMP forward.ADV he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP that.PRON.DEM.F.SG nearer.ADJ.COMP forward.ADV
  or there's a shop further on from that [...] further ahead
1650SIRa mae hwnnw i gael am (y)chydig o bunnoedd hwyrach .
  and be.3S.PRES that to get.NONFIN for a_little of pounds perhaps
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES that.PRON.DEM.M.SG to.PREP get.V.INFIN+SM for.PREP a_little.QUAN of.PREP pounds.N.F.PL+SM perhaps.ADV
  and that's available for a few pounds perhaps
1663SIRmae mynd yn ddrud os dach chi isio talu rywun am wneud o hefyd yn_dydy # (y)n enwedig pan gynnoch chi ryw [?] ffenestri mawr xxx .
  be.3S.PRES go.NONFIN PRT expensive if be.2PL.PRES PRON.2PL want pay.NONFIN somebody for do.NONFIN PRON.3SM also be.3S.PRES.NEG PRT particular when with.2PL PRON.2PL windows big
  be.V.3S.PRES go.V.INFIN PRT expensive.ADJ+SM if.CONJ be.V.2P.PRES you.PRON.2P want.N.M.SG pay.V.INFIN someone.N.M.SG+SM for.PREP make.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S also.ADV be.V.3S.PRES.TAG PRT especially.ADJ when.CONJ with_you.PREP+PRON.2P you.PRON.2P some.PREQ+SM windows.N.F.PL big.ADJ
  it gets expensive if you want to pay somebody to make them too, doesn't it, especially when you've got big windows [...]
1682SIRdach chi (y)n cael dipyn o haul xxx ?
  be.2PL.PRES PRON.2PL PRT get.NONFIN a_little of sun
  be.V.2P.PRES you.PRON.2P PRT get.V.INFIN little_bit.N.M.SG+SM of.PREP sun.N.M.SG
  do you get a lot of sun [...] ?
1683ANW+< na dim haul dim haul dim haul o [/] o_gwbl ochr yma te .
  no NEG sun NEG sun NEG sun of at_all side here TAG
  no.ADV not.ADV sun.N.M.SG not.ADV sun.N.M.SG not.ADV sun.N.M.SG he.PRON.M.3S at_all.ADV side.N.F.SG here.ADV be.IM
  no, no sun, no sun, no sun at all this side, you know
1687ANWond haul yn mynd lawr ryw adeg o (y)r flwyddyn .
  but sun PRT go.NONFIN down some time of DET year
  but.CONJ sun.N.M.SG PRT go.V.INFIN down.ADV some.PREQ+SM time.N.F.SG of.PREP the.DET.DEF year.N.F.SG+SM
  except sun setting at some time of year
1688ANWpan fydd o (we)di dod roundCE # Ynys_Enlli i_fyny <(y)r Mynydd_MawrCE> [?] draw # i ochr PorthorCE yn fan (y)na de # mi gawn ni haul .
  when be.3S.FUT PRON.3SM PRT.PAST come.NONFIN round Bardsey_Island up DET Mynydd_Mawr over to side Porthor in place there TAG PRT get.1PL.NONPAST PRON.1PL sun
  when.CONJ be.V.3S.FUT+SM he.PRON.M.3S after.PREP come.V.INFIN round.ADJ name up.ADV the.DET.DEF name yonder.ADV to.PREP side.N.F.SG name PRT place.N.MF.SG+SM there.ADV be.IM+SM PRT.AFF get.V.1P.PRES+SM we.PRON.1P sun.N.M.SG
  when it's come around Bardsey, up Mynydd Mawr, over to the side of Porthor there, right, we get some sun
1691ANWfydd o yn [//] ar y ffenestr xxx .
  be.3S.FUT PRON.3SM in on DET window
  be.V.3S.FUT+SM he.PRON.M.3S PRT.[or].in.PREP on.PREP the.DET.DEF window.N.F.SG
  it's on the window [...]