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Siarad, davies3: 'and'

159HAR+, seventyE quidE de # umCE # <er &b> [//] er yr minimumCE (y)dy o (y)n y siopau (y)dy hundredE andE tenE .
  seventy quid TAG IM although although DET minimum be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM in DET shops be.3S.PRES hundred and ten
  seventy.NUM quid.N.SG be.IM+SM um.IM er.IM er.IM the.DET.DEF minimum.N.SG be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S in.PREP the.DET.DEF shops.N.F.PL be.V.3S.PRES hundred.NUM and.CONJ ten.NUM
  seventy quid, right, um, although...although the minimum in the shops is a hundred and ten
161HARxx edrych xx umCE # hundredE andE tenE toE hundredE andE fiftyE &n # hundredE andE twentyE <rywbeth fel (yn)a> [?] .
  look.NONFIN IM hundred and ten to hundred and fifty hundred and twenty something like there
  look.V.2S.IMPER um.IM hundred.NUM and.CONJ ten.NUM to.PREP hundred.NUM and.CONJ fifty.NUM hundred.NUM and.CONJ twenty.NUM something.N.M.SG+SM like.CONJ there.ADV
  [...] looking [...] umm, hundred and ten to a hundred and fifty, hundred and twenty, something like that
161HARxx edrych xx umCE # hundredE andE tenE toE hundredE andE fiftyE &n # hundredE andE twentyE <rywbeth fel (yn)a> [?] .
  look.NONFIN IM hundred and ten to hundred and fifty hundred and twenty something like there
  look.V.2S.IMPER um.IM hundred.NUM and.CONJ ten.NUM to.PREP hundred.NUM and.CONJ fifty.NUM hundred.NUM and.CONJ twenty.NUM something.N.M.SG+SM like.CONJ there.ADV
  [...] looking [...] umm, hundred and ten to a hundred and fifty, hundred and twenty, something like that
161HARxx edrych xx umCE # hundredE andE tenE toE hundredE andE fiftyE &n # hundredE andE twentyE <rywbeth fel (yn)a> [?] .
  look.NONFIN IM hundred and ten to hundred and fifty hundred and twenty something like there
  look.V.2S.IMPER um.IM hundred.NUM and.CONJ ten.NUM to.PREP hundred.NUM and.CONJ fifty.NUM hundred.NUM and.CONJ twenty.NUM something.N.M.SG+SM like.CONJ there.ADV
  [...] looking [...] umm, hundred and ten to a hundred and fifty, hundred and twenty, something like that
904TOSti be o'n i methu coelio # deudodd [/] [?] ddeudodd un o ffrindiau i (y)n (y)r ysgol # <bod o efo [?] twoE hundredE andE &f> [//] bod o (we)di cael Dolig bod o (we)di cael # twoE hundredE andE fiveE # o gwahanol SimpsonsCE episodesCE # dau gant a pump o C_DsE # hefo SimpsonsCE arnyn nhw # &=laugh .
  PRON.2S what be.1S.IMP PRON.1S fail.NONFIN believe.NONFIN say.3S.PAST say.3S.PAST one of friends PRON.3SM in DET school be.NONFIN PRON.3SM with two hundred and be.NONFIN PRON.3SM PRT.PAST get.NONFIN Christmas be.NONFIN PRON.3SM PRT.PAST get.NONFIN two hundred and five of different Simpsons episodes two.M hundred and five of C_Ds with Simpsons on.3PL PRON.3PL
  you.PRON.2S what.INT be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S fail.V.INFIN believe.V.INFIN say.V.3S.PAST say.V.3S.PAST+SM one.NUM of.PREP friends.N.M.PL to.PREP in.PREP the.DET.DEF school.N.F.SG be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S with.PREP two.NUM hundred.NUM and.CONJ be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S after.PREP get.V.INFIN Christmas.N.M.SG be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S after.PREP get.V.INFIN two.NUM hundred.NUM and.CONJ five.NUM he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP different.ADJ name episode.N.SG+PL two.NUM.M hundred.N.M.SG+SM and.CONJ five.NUM from.PREP name with.PREP+H name on_them.PREP+PRON.3P they.PRON.3P
  you what I couldn't believe, one of my friends at school said that he's got two hundred and...that he got for Christmas, that he got two hundred and five different Simpsons episodes, two hundred and five CDs with the Simpsons on them
904TOSti be o'n i methu coelio # deudodd [/] [?] ddeudodd un o ffrindiau i (y)n (y)r ysgol # <bod o efo [?] twoE hundredE andE &f> [//] bod o (we)di cael Dolig bod o (we)di cael # twoE hundredE andE fiveE # o gwahanol SimpsonsCE episodesCE # dau gant a pump o C_DsE # hefo SimpsonsCE arnyn nhw # &=laugh .
  PRON.2S what be.1S.IMP PRON.1S fail.NONFIN believe.NONFIN say.3S.PAST say.3S.PAST one of friends PRON.3SM in DET school be.NONFIN PRON.3SM with two hundred and be.NONFIN PRON.3SM PRT.PAST get.NONFIN Christmas be.NONFIN PRON.3SM PRT.PAST get.NONFIN two hundred and five of different Simpsons episodes two.M hundred and five of C_Ds with Simpsons on.3PL PRON.3PL
  you.PRON.2S what.INT be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S fail.V.INFIN believe.V.INFIN say.V.3S.PAST say.V.3S.PAST+SM one.NUM of.PREP friends.N.M.PL to.PREP in.PREP the.DET.DEF school.N.F.SG be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S with.PREP two.NUM hundred.NUM and.CONJ be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S after.PREP get.V.INFIN Christmas.N.M.SG be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S after.PREP get.V.INFIN two.NUM hundred.NUM and.CONJ five.NUM he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP different.ADJ name episode.N.SG+PL two.NUM.M hundred.N.M.SG+SM and.CONJ five.NUM from.PREP name with.PREP+H name on_them.PREP+PRON.3P they.PRON.3P
  you what I couldn't believe, one of my friends at school said that he's got two hundred and...that he got for Christmas, that he got two hundred and five different Simpsons episodes, two hundred and five CDs with the Simpsons on them
905HAR(y)chydig bach yn # far_fetchedE ella twoE hundredE andE fiveE dydy &=laugh .
  a_little small PRT far_fetched perhaps two hundred and five be.3S.PRES.NEG
  a_little.QUAN small.ADJ PRT.[or].in.PREP unk maybe.ADV two.NUM hundred.NUM and.CONJ five.NUM be.V.3S.PRES.NEG
  a little bit far-fetched, isn't it, two hundred and five