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Patagonia, patagonia24: 'neu'

22ADLbuddai neu beth i dynnu (y)r hufen o (y)r llaeth ?
  churn.N.F.SG or.CONJ what.INT to.PREP draw.V.INFIN+SM the.DET.DEF cream.N.M.SG of.PREP the.DET.DEF milk.N.M.SG
  a churn or a thing to take the cream from the milk?
50ADL+< cael dŵr neu llaeth (dy)na i_gyd ynde .
  get.V.INFIN water.N.M.SG or.CONJ milk.N.M.SG that_is.ADV all.ADJ isn't_it.IM
  had water or milk, that was all.
58MOR+< i yfed yn y pnawn neu pan maen nhw (y)n cael (.) syched ynde .
  to.PREP drink.V.INFIN in.PREP the.DET.DEF afternoon.N.M.SG or.CONJ when.CONJ be.V.3P.PRES they.PRON.3P PRT get.V.INFIN dry.V.3S.IMPER isn't_it.IM
  to drink in the afternoon or when they are thirsty.
130MOR<gweithio gyda (y)r> [//] redeg nhw gyda ryw ddwy neu dair +...
  work.V.INFIN with.PREP the.DET.DEF run.V.INFIN+SM they.PRON.3P with.PREP some.PREQ+SM two.NUM.F+SM or.CONJ three.NUM.F+SM
  working with the... running them with two or three...
134ADLneu rywbeth felly +...
  or.CONJ something.N.M.SG+SM so.ADV
  or something like that...
169ADLdwy fil a deg (.) neu dwy fil a naw ?
  two.NUM.F thousand.N.F.SG+SM and.CONJ ten.NUM or.CONJ two.NUM.F thousand.N.F.SG+SM and.CONJ nine.NUM
  2010 or 2009 ?
333MORneu MabelCS xxx .
  or.CONJ name
  Mabel [...].
349MORdw i (ddi)m siŵr o (y)r côr os taw Godre_r_AranCS neu BechgynCS um +...
  be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S not.ADV+SM sure.ADJ of.PREP the.DET.DEF choir.N.M.SG if.CONJ that.CONJ name or.CONJ name um.IM
  I'm not sure which choir, if it was Godre'r Aran or Bechgyn...
434ADLa be(th) am um côr [//] oedd eich tad chi (y)n arwain côr yma yn_doedd o (y)n [/] yn y dref neu yn y ffarm ?
  and.CONJ what.INT for.PREP um.IM choir.N.M.SG be.V.3S.IMPERF your.ADJ.POSS.2P father.N.M.SG you.PRON.2P PRT lead.V.INFIN choir.N.M.SG here.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF.TAG he.PRON.M.3S PRT in.PREP the.DET.DEF town.N.F.SG+SM or.CONJ in.PREP the.DET.DEF farm.N.F.SG
  and what about, your father was leading a choir here, wasn't he, in town or on the farm?
444ADLoedd hynna ar y ffarm neu yn y dref oedd hynna ?
  be.V.3S.IMPERF that.PRON.DEM.SP on.PREP the.DET.DEF farm.N.F.SG or.CONJ in.PREP the.DET.DEF town.N.F.SG+SM be.V.3S.IMPERF that.PRON.DEM.SP
  was that on the farm or in town?
456ADLahCS ar gefn ceffyl neu mewn wagen ?
  ah.IM on.PREP back.N.M.SG+SM horse.N.M.SG or.CONJ in.PREP empty.V.3P.IMPER+SM
  ah, on horseback or in a waggon?
515ADLefo botymau tu blaen neu +/.
  with.PREP buttons.N.M.PL side.N.M.SG plain.ADJ+SM.[or].front.N.M.SG or.CONJ
  with buttons at the front or...
559ADLneu <prynu (y)r ffrogiau> [//] prynu nhw ?
  or.CONJ buy.V.INFIN the.DET.DEF frock.N.F.PL buy.V.INFIN they.PRON.3P
  or did you buy the dresses?
619MORa gofalu bod fa(n) (y)na yn gau neu fydd yn groes i (y)r stryd hefyd .
  and.CONJ take_care.V.INFIN be.V.INFIN place.N.MF.SG+SM there.ADV PRT close.V.INFIN+SM or.CONJ be.V.3S.FUT+SM PRT cross.N.F.SG+SM to.PREP the.DET.DEF street.N.F.SG also.ADV
  and make sure that over there is closed or she'll be across the street as well.
624ADLNain ["] neu Mam ["] neu be(th) mae (y)n ddeud ?
  name or.CONJ name or.CONJ what.INT be.V.3S.PRES PRT say.V.INFIN+SM
  Grandma or "Mum" or what does she say?
624ADLNain ["] neu Mam ["] neu be(th) mae (y)n ddeud ?
  name or.CONJ name or.CONJ what.INT be.V.3S.PRES PRT say.V.INFIN+SM
  Grandma or "Mum" or what does she say?
658ADL<chi (ei)ch> [?] dwy yn sgrifennu (y)r un pethau neu rywbeth felly ie ?
  you.PRON.2P your.ADJ.POSS.2P two.NUM.F PRT write.V.INFIN the.DET.DEF one.NUM things.N.M.PL or.CONJ something.N.M.SG+SM so.ADV yes.ADV
  the two of you writing the same things or something like that, was it?
810ADL+, taid nhw ie taid um EduardoCS a GlenysCS neu &a [//] NaldaCS .
  grandfather.N.M.SG they.PRON.3P yes.ADV grandfather.N.M.SG um.IM name and.CONJ name or.CONJ name
  their grandfather, yes, Eduardo's and Glenys' or Nalda's grandfather.
940MOR+< neu am yr uh +...
  or.CONJ for.PREP the.DET.DEF er.IM
  or for the...
1040MOR+, uh os taw EditaCS yn ferch i (y)r RobertsCS neu i (y)r dw i (ddi)m yn siŵr .
  er.IM if.CONJ that.CONJ name PRT girl.N.F.SG+SM to.PREP the.DET.DEF name or.CONJ to.PREP that.PRON.REL be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S not.ADV+SM PRT sure.ADJ
  if Edita is a daughter of Mr Roberts or of [...], I'm not sure.
1055MOR+< <dw i> [?] mewn dowt efo EditaCS os taw RobertsCS neu RichardsCS sy (y)n +...
  be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S in.PREP doubt.N.M.SG with.PREP name if.CONJ that.CONJ name or.CONJ name be.V.3S.PRES.REL PRT
  I'm doubtful about Edita if Roberts or Richards is...
1069MORa wedyn oedd neb yn ateb neu wedi galw ar y ffôn achos +...
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF anyone.PRON PRT answer.V.INFIN or.CONJ after.PREP call.V.INFIN on.PREP the.DET.DEF phone.N.M.SG because.CONJ
  and no-one had answered, or phoned because...