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Patagonia, patagonia22: 'gwir'

780CONa wir oedden nhw wedi cael (.) gwledd deud y gwir .
  and.CONJ true.ADJ+SM be.V.3P.IMPERF they.PRON.3P after.PREP get.V.INFIN feast.N.F.SG say.V.INFIN the.DET.DEF truth.N.M.SG
  and really, they had a feast actually
896SANyn y wlad i_gyd i ddeud y gwir .
  in.PREP the.DET.DEF country.N.F.SG+SM all.ADJ to.PREP say.V.INFIN+SM the.DET.DEF truth.N.M.SG
  in the whole country, really