252 | GIL | there's this one floor that you had (.) a total view of Times_SquareSE . |
| | there.PRON+BE.V.3S.PRES this.DEM.NEAR.SG one.PRON.SG floor.N.SG that.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.2SP had.V.PAST a.DET.INDEF total.N.SG view.N.SG of.PREP name |
| | |
331 | GIL | I had to talk to you in like total total Spanish . |
| | I.PRON.SUB.1S had.V.PAST to.PREP talk.V.INFIN to.PREP you.PRON.SUB.2SP in.PREP like.CONJ total.N.SG total.N.SG Spanish.N.SG |
| | |
331 | GIL | I had to talk to you in like total total Spanish . |
| | I.PRON.SUB.1S had.V.PAST to.PREP talk.V.INFIN to.PREP you.PRON.SUB.2SP in.PREP like.CONJ total.N.SG total.N.SG Spanish.N.SG |
| | |