128 | FEL | [- spa] y la universidad cómo te va ? |
| | and.CONJ the.DET.DEF.F.SG university.N.F.SG how.INT you.PRON.OBL.MF.2S go.V.3S.PRES |
| | and how are you getting on at university? |
211 | ELE | you just have to tell me (.) queS comoS teS vaS . |
| | you.PRON.SUB.2SP just.ADV have.V.2SP.PRES to.PREP tell.V.INFIN me.PRON.OBJ.1S that.CONJ eat.V.1S.PRES you.PRON.OBL.MF.2S go.V.3S.PRES |
| | you just have to tell me how you're getting on. |
214 | ELE | [- spa] bien te va bien [=! laughs] ? |
| | well.ADV you.PRON.OBL.MF.2S go.V.3S.PRES well.ADV |
| | so, you're getting on fine? |
334 | ELE | so tuS colegioS hastaS quéS gradoS vaS ? |
| | so.ADV your.ADJ.POSS.MF.2S.SG school.N.M.SG until.PREP what.INT grade.N.M.SG go.V.3S.PRES |
| | so your school goes up to which grade? |