3 | JAD | you can see it (.) in the thing . |
| | you.PRON.SUB.2SP can.V.2SP.PRES see.V.INFIN it.PRON.OBJ.3S in.PREP the.DET.DEF thing.N.SG |
| | |
53 | JAD | well she says she can get in trouble . |
| | well.ADV she.PRON.SUB.F.3S says.N.SG.[or].say.V.3S.PRES she.PRON.SUB.F.3S can.V.3S.PRES get.V.INFIN in.PREP trouble.N.SG |
| | |
72 | JAD | tearing it up so I can start . |
| | unk it.PRON.SUB.3S up.ADV so.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S can.V.1S.PRES start.V.INFIN |
| | |
273 | JUL | can you see ? |
| | can.V.123SP.PRES you.PRON.SUB.2SP see.V.2SP.PRES |
| | |
279 | JAD | can you see the xxx ? |
| | can.V.123SP.PRES you.PRON.SUB.2SP see.V.2SP.PRES the.DET.DEF |
| | |
300 | JAD | and I can take an hour earlier . |
| | and.CONJ I.PRON.SUB.1S can.V.1S.PRES take.V.INFIN an.DET.INDEF hour.N.SG early.ADJ.COMP.[or].earlier.ADV |
| | |
334 | JUL | come on we can do it . |
| | come.V.INFIN on.PREP we.PRON.SUB.1P can.V.123SP.PRES do.V.INFIN it.PRON.OBJ.3S |
| | |
345 | JAD | hi mister can you hear me ? |
| | hi.V.INFIN mist.N.SG+COMP.AG.[or].mister.N.SG can.V.123SP.PRES you.PRON.SUB.2SP hear.V.2SP.PRES me.PRON.OBJ.1S |
| | |
364 | JAD | +< can you hear me talking ? |
| | can.V.123SP.PRES you.PRON.SUB.2SP hear.V.2SP.PRES me.PRON.OBJ.1S talk.SV.INFIN+ASV |
| | |
522 | JUL | +" oh can you take us really fast to buy bird food ? |
| | oh.IM can.V.123SP.PRES you.PRON.SUB.2SP take.V.2SP.PRES us.PRON.OBJ.1P real.ADJ+ADV fast.ADJ to.PREP buy.V.INFIN bird.N.SG food.N.SG |
| | |
747 | JUL | no no you can see it . |
| | no.ADV no.ADV you.PRON.SUB.2SP can.V.2SP.PRES see.V.INFIN it.PRON.OBJ.3S |
| | |
834 | JUL | can you take it out ? |
| | can.V.123SP.PRES you.PRON.SUB.2SP take.V.2SP.PRES it.PRON.OBJ.3S out.ADV |
| | |
859 | JAD | you can start looking at this one . |
| | you.PRON.SUB.2SP can.V.2SP.PRES start.V.INFIN look.V.PRESPART at.PREP this.DEM.NEAR.SG one.PRON.SG |
| | |
966 | JAD | go [/] go now so you can see . |
| | go.V.INFIN go.SV.INFIN now.ADV so.ADV you.PRON.SUB.2SP can.V.2SP.PRES see.V.INFIN |
| | |
970 | JUL | +< maybe we can fix this . |
| | maybe.ADV we.PRON.SUB.1P can.V.123SP.PRES fix.V.INFIN this.DEM.NEAR.SG |
| | |
979 | JAD | +< you can print from there if you want . |
| | you.PRON.SUB.2SP can.V.2SP.PRES print.V.INFIN from.PREP there.ADV if.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.2SP want.V.2SP.PRES |
| | |