53 | MAR | well that's what [/] what he said is that because they have something else it turns out that you end up only being able to have one [=! tinkling_noise] . |
| | well.ADV that.DEM.FAR+BE.V.3S.PRES what.REL what.REL he.PRON.SUB.M.3S said.V.PAST is.V.3S.PRES that.CONJ.[or].that.DEM.FAR because.CONJ they.PRON.SUB.3P have.V.3P.PRES something.PRON else.ADJ it.PRON.SUB.3S turn.V.3S.PRES out.ADV that.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.2SP end.V.2SP.PRES up.ADV only.ADJ.[or].on.PREP+ADV be.V.PRESPART able.ADJ to.PREP have.V.INFIN one.PRON.SG |
| | |
89 | MAR | just out of curiosity . |
| | just.ADJ.[or].just.ADV out.ADV of.PREP curiosity.N.SG |
| | |
139 | MAR | I actually moved the SydneySE Opera House out of your metal because it's not metal . |
| | I.PRON.SUB.1S actual.ADJ+ADV move.V.PASTPART the.DET.DEF name name name out.ADV of.PREP your.ADJ.POSS.2SP metal.N.SG because.CONJ it.PRON.SUB.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES not.ADV metal.N.SG |
| | |
252 | MAR | um now I [/] I'm trying to figure out what they can do (.) what they can do +/. |
| | um.IM now.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S I.PRON.SUB.1S+BE.V.PRES try.V.PRESPART to.PREP figure.N.SG out.ADV what.REL they.PRON.SUB.3P can.V.123SP.PRES do.V.INFIN what.REL they.PRON.SUB.3P can.V.123SP.PRES do.V.INFIN |
| | |
364 | MAR | she's out of the office . |
| | she.PRON.SUB.F.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES out.ADV of.PREP the.DET.DEF office.N.SG |
| | |
471 | MAR | and (.) you know it's [///] he [/] he pulls out +//. |
| | and.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.2SP know.V.2SP.PRES it.PRON.SUB.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.SUB.M.3S he.PRON.SUB.M.3S pull.V.3S.PRES out.ADV |
| | |
555 | MAR | +< right (.) but in this case we are going out of town [=! taps] . |
| | right.ADJ but.CONJ in.PREP this.DEM.NEAR.SG case.N.SG we.PRON.SUB.1P are.V.1P.PRES go.V.PRESPART out.ADV of.PREP town.N.SG |
| | |
558 | MAR | and you take out what you brought [=! taps] . |
| | and.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.2SP take.V.2SP.PRES out.ADV what.REL you.PRON.SUB.2SP brought.V.PAST |
| | |
645 | MAR | when were we were out there ? |
| | when.CONJ were.V.2S123P.PAST we.PRON.SUB.1P were.V.1P.PAST out.ADV there.ADV |
| | |
646 | MAR | we were out there on a Monday . |
| | we.PRON.SUB.1P were.V.1P.PAST out.ADV there.ADV on.PREP a.DET.INDEF name |
| | |
656 | MAR | I were out . |
| | I.PRON.SUB.1S were.V.2S123P.PAST out.ADV |
| | |
658 | MAR | +< no we weren't out there on three twenty-five we were on three twenty-four . |
| | no.ADV we.PRON.SUB.1P were.V.1P.PAST+NEG out.ADV there.ADV on.PREP three.NUM unk we.PRON.SUB.1P were.V.1P.PAST on.PREP three.NUM unk |
| | |
660 | MAR | +< we were out on site (.) to review texture mockup on three twenty-five twenty-four tskSE [=! types] . |
| | we.PRON.SUB.1P were.V.1P.PAST out.ADV on.PREP site.N.SG to.PREP review.V.INFIN texture.N.SG unk on.PREP three.NUM unk unk tsk.N.SG |
| | |
668 | MAR | the (.) original (.) colors we (.) selected (.) did not turn out (.) like (.) we thought [=! types] . |
| | the.DET.DEF original.ADJ color.N.PL.[or].colors.N.PL we.PRON.SUB.1P select.V.PAST did.AV.PAST not.ADV turn.SV.INFIN out.ADV like.CONJ we.PRON.SUB.1P thought.V.PAST |
| | |
670 | MAR | we (.) do not want to come out to [=! types] +... |
| | we.PRON.SUB.1P do.V.1P.PRES not.ADV want.SV.INFIN to.PREP come.V.INFIN out.ADV to.PREP |
| | |
695 | MAR | the mockup at A U V xxx did not turn out like we thought and xxx [=! reads] . |
| | the.DET.DEF unk at.PREP name name name did.AV.PAST not.ADV turn.SV.INFIN out.ADV like.CONJ we.PRON.SUB.1P thought.V.PAST and.CONJ |
| | |
713 | MAR | I'm just signing a pay out . |
| | I.PRON.SUB.1S+BE.V.PRES just.ADJ.[or].just.ADV sign.N.SG+ASV a.DET.INDEF pay.N.SG out.ADV |
| | |